Claw/Claw/Bite! Issue 10 is the latest issue of this periodical from Unicorn Rampant Publishing. Each issue is produced on a monthly basis and consists of the collected d20 material posted to the website. The aim of the periodical is to provide storytellers and gamemasters with new material to enable them to create exiting and exhilarating adventures, characters and scenarios. The material contained within this product is suitable for any d20 fantasy campaign setting, and is compatible with the revised d20 core rules.
This short 20 page magazine comes as a single pdf file. Unicorn Rampant Publishing have done a fair job with the editing and layout of the product, converting the material from blog posts into the articles in this product. The general feel of the product though is one of haste, and not much care appears to have gone into the presentation of the material. There are a lot of errors in this product, both on the editing/layout fronts, but more substantially on the mechanics front.
Incorrect and incomplete mechanics abound, and some of the new mechanics is just clumsy. Sentences like 'this spell grants a 5 ft. reach bonus on all attacks' is just clumsy and confusing. Most of the stat blocks have substantial errors and many incomplete sections where, for example, the damage for an attack is missing. Consistency within the presented material is poor as well, with a variety of different stat blocks used without sticking to a consistent form. Overall, I was disappointed by the lack of care, although the few art pieces and background layout was fairly decent. Presentation and mechanical care could've been a lot better.
Despite the poor mechanical presentation, what this product does well is present a wide range of options to the reader - feats, spells, NPCs, races, locations, maps, new creatures, magical items, etc. There's something of everything in this product, even a short comic at the end, with an amusing nod to games like Angband and NetHack. The material variety succeeds at its stated intent of allowing you to expand your worlds and create something new from it. Some examples include the spell Animal Alarm, which allows you to use local animals to warn you of intruders, the deep sea gnome race, a bugbear villain and blackguard, a selection of 5th level PC stat blocks, new creatures such as the spider zombie and the neat wormhole, several new magical items like the cloak of daggers, and the walled town of Junction.
I liked most of the new material in this product. The wormhole creature was an interesting creature that can transport you to another plane if it engulfs you, I really liked the map of Junction that's provided with the product as it was realistic and well-created, and the Animal Alarm spell has some nice flavor. The remainder of the material was a bit of a mixed bag - some of it could've used a little more information, such as, for example, the classes of the members of the Council of Junction, or something on the personalities, motivations and quirks of the NPCs presented.
There's no doubt that a product like this has tremendous potential, although I felt it failed in a lot of key aspects that would make this so. A tidy up of the mechanics, a little more detail and extra information here and there, and this product would've been very good. As is, it's difficult to look past the numerous omissions. While the product says you can just use this material as is, it's not really the case. You'll need to do a lot of mechanical work, and even supply your own motivations and personalities for various NPCs.
Overall I enjoyed bits of this product, and found others disappointing. The potential for this product is very high, but the quality at present is not up to standard. There's no denying that the authors and creators of this material, and Unicorn Rampant Publishing, are a creative and dedicated company, as is evident from some of the unique and interesting material in this product. So what can one say about Issue 10 of this publication? It definitely needs more work and a tidy-up of the presentation and the mechanics, and a little bit of extra information. The uniqueness of some of the material strengthens the content overall, but I find myself hard pressed to think of a reason to use some of the other incomplete or poor mechanical material, although I liked a lot of the flavor in the product throughout, including magical items, spells, and the like. Poor execution, but good flavor, variety and elements of uniqueness.