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Adventurer Essentials: Lantern $1.99 $1.33
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Adventurer Essentials: Lantern
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Adventurer Essentials: Lantern
Publisher: Skortched Urf' Studios
by Jim C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/26/2009 20:01:14

Magic and special items, many race-specific, work well with the theme - particularly good to see a human-specific item. A couple of these thematically might be better as artifacts.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Adventurer Essentials: Lantern
Publisher: Skortched Urf' Studios
by JK R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/26/2009 03:50:29

Despite the title, this booklet covers a range of different light sources - excluding torches, which got their own book.

There are a wide range of such light sources here, with some discussion of their relative pros and cons, and quite a lot of magic items. Indeed, many of the "basic" devices listed are, to all intents and purposes, cheap magic items.

But, while the coverage is broad, and includes many useful items, both magical and mundane, it doesn't hang together quite as well as some of the other booklets in this series. Why, for example, do so many races with darkvision go out of their way to create novel forms of illumination? And why do we get world-background information, such as a half-page myth, when the book should really be focusing on rules and equipment?

Most of the magic items make sense, although a few are, perhaps, a bit over-powered. More seriously, some of them seem completely random, possessing magical properties that have nothing to do with being a lantern - you could put the same enchantment on (say) a pair of gloves, and it would make as much sense.

There are relatively few typos in this, although at one point, there are three different spellings of the word 'kerosener' in as many paragraphs, which is a little jarring. And page 11 looks not to have been properly laid out - although, again, only enough to be jarring, not to actually make it difficult to read.

Despite all this, the booklet is cheap, most of the magic items are good, and there's a fair range of mundane items. So it's not bad, by any means, it's just that a little more thought could have made it better.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
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