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Blank Slate Maps Vol. 1: 10 Towns & Villages
Publisher: Zombie Nirvana Games
by Coy K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/04/2008 11:00:29

This is a fairly good product if you are looking for simple, clean maps that you want to edit for your own game. The maps are presented as individual jpeg files allowing you to edit them in even the most basic photo editing program. Two versions of each map are provided, color and B&W. Included also are GIF images of compasses so you can imbed these into the maps as you see fit. At 150 dpi, the largest file size is just over 500 Kb, making them easy to load. I would have preferred at least 300 dpi, as I think you can still get manageable file sizes (about 1 Mb) and better quality that way.

My biggest disappointment with the maps is the lack of a scale, either on the maps themselves, or as a GIF image that I could include. I really don't know how big the towns are, and that makes it a drawback to using them. Sure, I could include my own scale, but if compasses are going to be provided, a few different scale bars would be nice as well.

The price is reasonable, at just under a dollar per map I feel that I have gotten my money's worth. It would be nice to have had more maps, but I suppose I'll have to see if they do a Volume 2.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Blank Slate Maps Vol. 1: 10 Towns & Villages
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Hand Drawn Maps, Volume 1
Publisher: The Fantasy Cartographic
by Coy K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/31/2008 12:00:54

This set of maps is different from the first product from The Fantasy Cartographic. In Locales Vol 1, you have several high quality, clean lined maps. This set provides you with six map sets. Some are single maps, others include different levels. All of the maps are hand drawn, and bring back visions of my own hand drawn maps. This is not to lessen their quality. These are still good quality maps, most are done in color, and are similar in style to the maps from Locales, Vol 1. (Only doors, and secret doors provided, no interior details, etc.)

My biggest disappointment with these maps is the lack of scenario ideas to support each map. That was one of the things I liked about Locales, Vol 1. This product is all maps, and nothing but maps. There are a few notes written in the maps, and space for a GM to make his own notes, but the inspiration that came from the scenarios in Locales, Vol 1 is missing.

Overall, a good product, but not up to the standard I think that was set with Locales, Vol 1. If later volumes in this series include some scenario ideas, then I think this will greatly improve the quality of the Hand Drwan Maps product line.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Hand Drawn Maps, Volume 1
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Locales-Volume 1
Publisher: The Fantasy Cartographic
by Coy K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/31/2008 11:49:57

I found this product to be a wonderful tool for any GM. The scenarios presented with each map set are plenty to start the creative juices flowing, even if you decide to not follow that scenario. I enjoyed the inclusion of the photos that head each map set as well, allowing me a chance to become immersed in the authors vision of the map location.

The maps themselves are great. In a day when many maps seem to go for glitz and glammor - lots of color, cool borders, etc., these maps harken back to the great days when RPGs were in their infancy. The maps are clean and elegant in their simplicity. They become the framework that I, as the GM, can then build my fantasy setting upon.

The maps for the Caverns are wonderful, creating an entire underground complex ready for adventuring. The only complaint I have for these maps is there is no map for the ruined city.

The map for the Temple Tomb does take a minute to wrap your mind about it and understand how it flows, but once you do you realize the uniqueness and creativity of such a map.

The other maps in the set are very simple and basic. They don't have the unique feel that the Caverns and Temple Tomb have, though they are great quality maps.

A great asset for any GM.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Locales-Volume 1
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