North Wind Adventures has a real winner here.I can heartily agree with the writer of the game's foreward, Stuart Marshall, when he describes this game as Dungeons and Elder Things. AS&SH definitely captures the feel of the Weird Fantasy genre from beginning to end. The game system is based on D&D/AD&D and it also introduces some very cool additions to that design. The writing is clean and precise. Anyone that likes the 'Gygaxian' flavor of the AD&D books of old will really appreciate what the author has accomplished with this great game.
I highly recommend the boxed edition of AS&SH as well as it will bring back memories of the days when you got a set of dice with your games. Seriously, you will not be disappointed.
Old School fans unite! Buy this game today..........
If you liked AD&D 2e then you will like this Myth & Magic. If you like the basic mechanics of 3e then you will like it as well. I really like where this game is going and can' wait to see the games final appearance. This edition gives you the basic classes & races and advancement to 10th level.
This game has a real "old school" feel to it. The charts, tables and illustrations bring back good memories. The simple percentile based action resolution system keeps the action flowing. This will be my post apoc. game of choice.
BULLDOGS is SCi-Fi that kicks ass (and takes names!). This is one of the best presentations of the FATE system on the market. Impressive.Most impressive.....
The best thing since sliced AD&D :). TOR is put together nicely. The layout is easy on the eyes. The game system falls into the "simple yet sophisticated" realm. You can tell alot of thought and effort went into the design of this game. There are already a few fantastic reviews of this game so I will not repeat the obvious. Get this game. I am certain the physical product will sell out in no time at all. Fortunately for me, I already have a copy pre ordered.
This is a very nice addition to the S&W library. The 0e flavor is easy to take in. very impressive.
This is going to be a great game when all is said and done. I can see the influence of the "ROLEMASTER" family of games in this product. Specifically HARP. I look forward to seeing what will come up in future upgrades of the game while it is still in "Beta" mode.
The system itself is a 2d10 model that provided for open ended rolls at either end of the spectrum. A 10 on a die allows you to roll again while a 1 on a die forces a reroll that results in a penalty to your result.
Here's to the finished product being highly successful!
This game is way better than the 4e version of the game this item is based on. It captures the feel of the classic post apocalyptic adventure you may have enjoyed back in the day.
Great product. it really helps get the creative juices flowing when you are having problems coming up with adventure ideas.
I really like the 3rd edition of M&M. If you already own the DC Adventures book you will already be familiar with what this book has to offer. The system is very straightforward and everything is easy on the eyes. You can't go wrong with M&M.
Dee & Herman ride again! This is a true classic old school RPG. The new cover art is V&V all the way. The random power generation brings back great memories. V&V got alot of playing time then and will get even more now. I wish all the best to the Monkey House crew.
Our World is book two of the Dresden Files RPG.If you plan on running the game you will want to pick this up along with Your Story. Our World provides information on all the main factions, creatures and features of Dresden's Chicago. There is nothing not to like about this book. Like Your Story, it is laid out well and is a delight to read.
Your story is book one of the Dresden Files RPG. It contains all the info you will need to create great characters, run the game and bring it all together using the excellent FATE system. The book is laid out well and is a full color delight to the eyes. One of my favorite aspects of the book is the notes that are scribbled throughout the book by 'Mr. Dresden' himself. It really gives the book alot of character. The magic system straight forward and does not bog down the game. The Authors and developers have done a great job presenting the 'Dresdenverse' so that you can catch up on all things Dresden with no problem.
This is truly a "core" set and it's full color which is a big plus. Hats off to everyone involved. I am really looking forward to the printed product which is due to hit my FLGS soon but not soon enough.
Interface Zero is a savaged cyberpunk styled setting with good background and character options.