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Four Color System (Core Rules) $0.00
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Four Color System (Core Rules)
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Four Color System (Core Rules)
Publisher: Seraphim Guard
by Megan R. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 08/24/2012 07:41:37

Apart from actually being free to download, there's a lot more that's "free" about the Four Colour System. You are welcome to repurpose it for other than superhero role-playing, by removing superpowers and replacing them with skills or specialisms appropriate to the genre and setting in which you'd like to play. You can use it to aid in writing or converting adventures from one system to another... or just create and publish your own adventures for it.

So, what is it anyway? It's a basic toolkit for superhero gaming. The system it proposes is a simple one, using a percentage roll for task resolution, but it contains optional 'advanced' material... and of course you are encouraged to add on anything else you want. It is, however, suggested that publishers decide whether they want to use the Basic or the Advanced ruleset as a whole (unless they are going to write a complete corebook of their own using this as a basis).

After an introduction that explains all this, we get on to Characters, beginning with the determination of origin... or at least, the source of whatever superpowers they have. There's a table that you can roll on, or you may have a concept and prefer to select the most appropriate origin (the text assumes you roll, but...). Next the character gets Attributes - starting with seven Primary Traits: Melee, Coordination, Brawn, Fortitude, Intellect, Awareness and Willpower. Each of these is assigned a Rank, and they're used to derive Secondary Traits, which may be ranked or given a numerical value (each one differs). The Primary Trait Ranks are determined by a percentage die roll. If you have an idea in mind, you may wish to roll seven percentages then assign them appropriately, otherwise it is probably best to roll the Traits in order. Then you can pick mundane Skills as well as Powers, for both you roll a percentage to see how many you get. Then for Powers, you roll two more percentages, one to determine which one(s) and a second to give each a Rank. Again, the whole system is built about randomisation, but it should not be too difficult to deduce a mechanism for choosing Powers if preferred.

Next comes an exhaustive list of Powers and what they enable the character to do. Just about anything you have seen in a comic book or can dream up is possible if you consider these carefully.

Then, the next section is titled Playing the Game. The core of this is the Master Table, a multi-coloured matrix against which you roll a percentage every time you attempt to do something. If you remember the 1984 TSR Marvel Superheroes game, this looks very familiar! There are detailed explanations of how to use the Master Table to effect based on what you are doing, and what opposition you face, with particular reference to its use in combat. It is a lot easier than it sounds, and as you get familiar with it things begin to flow.

The final section is Gamemastering, and begins with the warning that this is more of a 'toolkit' than a full game. It goes on to look at various areas such as character health, ways of measuring luck or reputation, wealth and so on; before looking at how to incorporate vehicles into your game. It ends with a note on character advancement.

That's it. Naturally, you will have quite a bit to do in determining setting and creating adventures, but the bare bones, the framework is provided. Unlike the old Marvel Superheroes game, this system is well suited to devising your own superheroes (and villains, of course); although it ought not to be too difficult to codify your favourite heroes from comic book or screen if that's what you want to do. It's a neat package, poised to set you going saving the world with minimal fuss.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Four Color System (Core Rules)
Publisher: Seraphim Guard
by Greg P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/20/2010 08:40:07

It's an interesting distillation of the basic FASERIP system, but it suffers a bit from it's generic nature. My biggest problem is chargen. Using the table as written for rolling Traits and power levels, you would at best wind up with a "mid-card" character. Further, it really doesn't solve the "top end" problem that MSH had (the "how to model Superman at full power" question.

I'm glad someone is putting a FASERIP-type system back out there for people to play with, but it could stand some serious improvements.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Four Color System (Core Rules)
Publisher: Seraphim Guard
by Pirate B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/15/2009 00:42:41

I would personally recommend this game system to players who wish to reminisce the ever popular Marvel Superheroes game. The rules are more clearer and precise. No more dangling and confusion that requires more supplementary publication, which to me is just a commercial propaganda to juice out players money.

A nice core system not only to clone Marvel Superheroes, but provide endless possibilities to play out your favorite super characters. I am planning to integrate the rules to the new Heroes television series game that I will play with my friends over this weekend.

Kudos to you guys and more power!

Peter the Great

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Four Color System (Core Rules)
Publisher: Seraphim Guard
by Timothy B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/01/2009 12:24:08

Another Retro-Clone, this time in tradition of FASERIP, AKA MArvel Super Heroes. Again the big pluses here are the ability for publishers to create new content for an out-of-print, but not-out-of-play game. For players it provides a new and somewhat clearer and certainly cheaper entry point to the game. The rules are very clear, easy to read and in many way better than the game they clone. There are some differences and buyer be-wary (not really aware since most playeres will be fine). What this one lacks is more support, though I am sure there is fan-support for it on the net. The price is great and that is reason alone to get it. That it is also a nice really playable game is just even more reason.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Four Color System (Core Rules)
Publisher: Seraphim Guard
by Jason C. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 08/13/2009 17:51:28

The core rules for a simple, free superhero game very much inspired by the old Marvel Super Heroes game. That game was one of the best in the history of the hobby, so a near-copy has to be at least "very good". It has a lot of elements to it that you don't often see in modern superhero games, not the least of which is random character creation. I always got a thrill trying to figure out why my guy, or the bad guy, was an alien who had a cybernetic brain and could control plants.

Essentially, if you happen to be someone who missed the early Marvel game (or are too young, you whippersnappers), the system is a percentile one. Your character has a particular power or skill level, you roll a set of percentile dice, then check to see what the result is: failure, success, great success, or phenomenal super mega success, which are colorcoded. (Here, it's black red, blue, yellow, compared to MSH which was white, green, yellow, red.) Fortune points, achieved by beating villains and/or keeping track of your civilian obligations, can help you out.

The weaknesses in the work are more aligned to what the work is rather than to any particular flaw. Yes, there are still a few "see page 00"s that might be taken out on later updates. More importantly, though, the system both relies extremely heavily on GM decisionmaking and evaluation, yet gives virtually no advice or guidance on how the GM is supposed to make those decisions and evaluation. It just says to visit RPG boards online. Even a tool comes with enough instructions to know what the tool does and how it is intended to be used!

The product has no bookmarks or special features, though at only 34 pages it's probably not strictly necessary. The free price makes this an excellent bargain and gives the score a boost.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Four Color System (Core Rules)
Publisher: Seraphim Guard
by Ronald W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/13/2009 16:50:49

Classic Marvel Super Heroes (FASERIP) deja vu. That is the best way to describe this product. The system is easy to work with and produces the same "clobberin time!" results you loved when you played Marvel Super Heroes back in the day.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Four Color System (Core Rules)
Publisher: Seraphim Guard
by Hamilton R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/30/2009 07:07:24

Pretty much a rehash of the classic Marvel Superheroes Basic Adventure game from TSR. For the price, and if you still want to play Marvel, then this is a good download. Art and writing are functional, and the game design speaks for itself, if you know how to play Marvel SH.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Four Color System (Core Rules)
Publisher: Seraphim Guard
by Christopher H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/24/2009 22:01:07

If you enjoyed the old Marvel FASERIP system and would like to play a clean, up-to-date RPG using essentially the same mechanics, look no further than 4C. I love this game for its nostalgia factor, and the core rules don't cost a dime. Kudos to Seraphim Guard for keeping this alive--but when push comes to shove, though, I still fall back on Mutants & Masterminds as my superhero RPG of choice.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Four Color System (Core Rules)
Publisher: Seraphim Guard
by James K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/11/2009 14:33:08

Though designed to emulate TSR's Marvel Super Heroes RPG, the 4C System makes an excellent basic foundation for any genre of role playing. The rules are simple, so getting a game started is a breeze. Definitely a great resource whether you're just looking for a quick supers pick up game, or planning to publish your own supplements or game. Get this one!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Four Color System (Core Rules)
Publisher: Seraphim Guard
by Gerald W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/26/2007 16:17:43

Even if you weren't a fan of the original Marvel Super Hero rpg, the system was clean and very stable. And now 4C brings the system back with a good solid basis that truly can be used for any genre, and at any power level. 4C does away with convoluted concepts and additional rules that sometimes run counter-intuitively against the action resolution process.

I was able to print out the 32 page basic core rules and have my players create characters and play an actual game within an hour! And best of all, they understood the rules without raised eyebrows and a lot of head scratching. AND my 15yo daughter said it wouldn't be easy going back to picking pockets in that "other game system" after having created a character that was able to throw a train car through a tunnel wall!

4C is supported by dozens of old MSH fan sites as well as several new websites, so download the rules, surf the web, and get playing tonight.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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