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The Imperial Age: Victorian Monstrosities $12.95
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The Imperial Age: Victorian Monstrosities
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The Imperial Age: Victorian Monstrosities
Publisher: Adamant Entertainment
by Timothy B. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 04/10/2012 14:02:48

A monster book with more.

Many of the most frightening creatures we know today have their roots in Victorian literature and history. Dracula, Carmilla, Jack the Ripper, Half-human mutants, cults. All can be found in the pages of Victorian origin.

More than just a monster book (though it is that as well), this presents some "history" behind the monster. I am reminded of some the more detailed Monster Hunter guides I have seen for other games.

There is so much here that it is difficult to quantify it all. But there is a lot and a lot of it is very, very good.

The stats are all d20, but the backgrounds work for any game.

All the Imperial Age books are all well written and features art from the age, either public domain art and paintings as well as some original art. In all cases the art is very evocative of the time and very well done.

The books are all easy to read, with clean layout and font sizes. They can be printed with ease without killing your printer cartridge.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Imperial Age: Victorian Monstrosities
Publisher: Adamant Entertainment
by Curt M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/03/2009 14:31:17

I agree with Jerry Linscott's review. of the best of the Imperial Age line. If you run d20 Modern at all, you'll probably want this in your collection.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Imperial Age: Victorian Monstrosities
Publisher: Adamant Entertainment
by Jerry L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/25/2008 00:52:58

This product alone was what sold me on the ENTIRE Imperial Age line. What you have here, folks, is the "Menace Manual" of the 1800's! Gaslight classics like Dracula, The Invisible Man, The Beastmen of Dr. Moreau, Mr. Hyde, Frankenstein's Monster, The Hound of the Baskervilles, and not to mention, the most dangerous and elusive threat of the Victorian Era: Jack the Ripper! Those are just some of the nasties you'll find inside this infectious grouping.

For anyone ever wanting to run d20 Past but never having the opponents to pull it off... For anyone wanting to draw upon the horrors of literary works... For anyone that may be "on the fence" about whether or not to purchase this...

If you love Victorian Lore and roleplaying, simply put: You can't do without this RPG resource!

Even if you don't play d20-- Buy it & convert the foes over to your system of choice (it's STILL less work than "statting" the entire horde from scratch)!!! Imperial Age: Victorian Monstrosities is a truly indispensable game aid... WAY BETTER than any spoken words can possibly express in this (or any other) review!

Thank you, Adamant, for your frighteningly realistic, statistical interpretations of legendary foes!

Liked: Everything! Disliked: Nothing!

5 of 5 Stars!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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