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Injustice for All! v01 - Flechette
Publisher: Twin Flame Publishing
by Gerald S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/19/2016 01:40:35

Disclaimer: I also publish 3rd party material for Supers!, and know the author because of that. I did not get a comp copy of this, but purchased it to support a fellow publisher.

Flechette is an interesting her character. Her main power is the ability to user her nails as weapons. Not just to slash ala Wolverine's claws. She can also fire them at opponents like projectiles. She can also regenerate (and thus grow new nails to never run out of "ammo")

The character is a thief, and is best used in scenarios involving robbing something. I used the character in a demo of The Heist (an intro scenario also by Twin Flame) to bolster the villains in that adventure (and to even the odds with the heroes played in that adventure). She wasn't a major part of the battle, but kept one player tied up the majority of the fight (neither could get the advantage on the other, so they just kept trading blows for most of the fight). That worked out well as that player had to leave during the middle of the fight, so it gave a good reason why they didn't show up.

So, good character concept, interesting power. I think she makes a good opponent for street level heroes, and is also useful as added muscle for a group of villains working together.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Injustice for All! v01 - Flechette
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Injustice for All! v05 - Echo
Publisher: Twin Flame Publishing
by Gerald S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/19/2016 00:35:11

Disclaimer: I also publish 3rd party material for Supers!, and know the author because of that. I did not get a comp copy of this, but purchased it to support a fellow publisher.

I picked this up to use with The Heist, an intro adventure also by Twin Flame, which I ran for Free RPG Day.

I really like the character concept; She's not overly powerful, but the diversity of her abilities still makes her formidable. When I used the character in the scenario, they were effective in helping me move the adventure in the direction it needed to go to reach a satisfying conclusion for the players (by leading them to the main bad guy while bringing said villain an object Echo and other villains were hired to steal).

The character can create duplicates of herself, and when duplicates are about, they have some super strength and super speed, which makes them good opposition for a short time. The character used this to good effect in the scenario, as the heroes couldn't tell the duplicates apart from the original.

I honestly feel this is one of the better villains released for the game so far.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Injustice for All! v05 - Echo
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The Heist - An Introductory Adventure for Use with Supers! Revised Edition
Publisher: Twin Flame Publishing
by Gerald S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/19/2016 00:25:01

Disclaimer: I am a 3rd Party Publisher for Supers! material myself, and thus know the author from the Supers! forums. I was given a comp copy of this, as I had given the author some advice as they were putting this together.

I ran this adventure for Free RPG Day, only adding in 2 more villains Twin Flame released (Echo & Flechette from their Injustice for All series of villains) to compensate for having more heroes than the scenario suggests the adventure works best with.

The Heist is a fairly straightforward adventure that makes a great introductory scenario for anyone running Supers! for the first time. The villains have a precise goal, and their powers range from fairly standard to some nice power sets mechanic wise (to me anyway). The mastermind behind them is an interesting villain, and a diverse set of powers that makes him a challenge even for a small group of heroes. He was able to defend against four heroes easily in the demo I ran, which had them sweating for awhile (and forced them to get creative with their own powers to defeat him)

The artwork is good, and there are three maps provided. I didn't use them when I ran the adventure, but they are definitely handy (especially if you use standees/counters).

All in all, I found this to be a great intro product to use with players brand new to the system. I think it helps them get right into things, and works well when you have a shorter time limit to work with (I had a 2 hour slot to run the game, and we ran over by maybe 3 or 4 minutes)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Heist - An Introductory Adventure for Use with Supers! Revised Edition
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Character Gallery I: Superheroes 2
Publisher: Vonschlick Productions
by Gerry S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/25/2015 22:36:26

This is a nice, diverse selection of stock art. Some pieces are better than others (I only found 3 pieces I felt were not on par with the others), but overall, the quality is very good. The Ozzy Longoria pieces stand out as the best ones (The cover image is one of his)

I had some issues extracting the files from the pdf, but after contacting the company, they were quick to email me a zip file with all the images. So add in excellent customer service.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Character Gallery I: Superheroes 2
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Character Gallery I: Superheroes 1
Publisher: Vonschlick Productions
by Gerry S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/25/2015 22:35:06

This is a nice, diverse selection of stock art. Some pieces are better than others (I only found 2 pieces I felt were not on par with the others), but overall, the quality is very good. There's a few pieces by Brian Brinlee in this collection, and having worked with him myself, can attest that his work is good.

I had some issues extracting the files from the pdf, but after contacting the company, they were quick to email me a zip file with all the images. So add in excellent customer service.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Character Gallery I: Superheroes 1
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RPG Creatures - Bestiary 1 (Extended Edition)
Publisher: Cloister Publications
by Gerry S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/20/2012 11:26:07

This product features some incredible art, and the majority of creatures are very unique. Designed to be ported into any game, the basic descriptions break down each creature's powers, as well as a scale for their physical/mental attributes. This is probably one of the most professional looking products I've ever bought here, and is a steal for it's price. I highly recommend this for anyone looking for new, interesting & unique creatures for use in their games.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
RPG Creatures - Bestiary 1 (Extended Edition)
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Public Domain Super Hero Clip Art #4
Publisher: DM Studios
by Gerry S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/11/2012 09:58:52

Picking up where the last clip art pack left off, this features more characters associated with the Black Terror: His partner Tim, ally Red Ann, and some villains he fought.

I hope to use some of the villain pieces for a project down the road, so I definitely found this a worthwhile purchase.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Public Domain Super Hero Clip Art #4
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Public Domain Super Hero Clip Art #3
Publisher: DM Studios
by Gerry S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/11/2012 09:55:48

Third in the PDSH clip art series, this one features The Black Terror (who was revived by Dynamite as part of Project Super Powers), as well as a few other characters from the Public Domain Supers release featuring that character for Supers!.

As with all the releases, the art tries to emulate the more simplistic art style used in Golden Age Comics, so you may find some pieces better than others. Still, a decent set of clip art, and relatively inexpensive.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Public Domain Super Hero Clip Art #3
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Public Domain Super Hero Clip Art #2
Publisher: DM Studios
by Gerry S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/11/2012 09:50:31

The second in the PDSH Clip Art series, this pack features various Golden Age heroes and their sidekicks. Great for use as NPC's (hero or villain), especially if you want to make a one shot for a convention, etc.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Public Domain Super Hero Clip Art #2
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Public Domain Super Hero Clip Art #1
Publisher: DM Studios
by Gerry S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/11/2012 09:44:17

The first in a series of clip art packages (the 13th was just released today), this is a great way to get art inexpensively. This first pack is free (others run at 0.99) You get both color and B&W images of various golden age characters featured in the Public Domain Supers books for the Supers! rpg.

You can use this clip art for personal use, or even for your own rpg products. I really like the art. It tries to emulate the Golden Age style of drawing, which was less polished than today. Some pieces could be better, but overall, I find the majority of art to be well done, and I hope to use some for some of my projects future.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Public Domain Super Hero Clip Art #1
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Timelines: Stories Inspired by HG Wells' The Time Machine
Publisher: Northern Frights Publishing
by Gerry S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/09/2012 00:27:07

A nice selection of time travel stories influenced by HG Wells classic. One tale even features his nameless time traveller. The stories are well written, and very enjoyable. If you're a fan of time travel fiction, I highly recommend this!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Timelines: Stories Inspired by HG Wells' The Time Machine
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Eclipse Phase: Lack
Publisher: Posthuman Studios
by Gerry S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/09/2012 00:11:37

A nice short story set in the Eclipse Phase Universe. Not owning the game, I bought this to get a feel for the setting, and enjoyed it. Well written characters, and good action. A nice intro to the EP universe, and a good sci-fi story in general

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Eclipse Phase: Lack
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BASH! Ultimate Edition
Publisher: Basic Action Games
by Gerry S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/21/2010 12:22:10

Much improved over the original edition, BASH UE gives you the tools to run fast paced, comic book style super hero adventures. Rules are not too crunchy, but not too light either.

Includes a GM's section that covers running various genres, from pulp to cosmic level games.

well worth purchasing if you want an alternative to games like M&M/Champions

[5 of 5 Stars!]
BASH! Ultimate Edition
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Publisher: Deep7
by Gerry S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/01/2007 17:42:39

A great system for one shot/short term pulp fantasy gaming.

The 1PG system is highly adaptable, and fits this genre very well. While info on spell casting is limited, it fits with the genre (as most Sword and Sorcery characters didn't use magic themselves).

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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Publisher: Red Moon Medicine Show
by Gerry S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/01/2007 17:41:35

Taking Wushu, and adding in interesting rules for Horror-themed gaming, makes this a worthwhile addition to anyone's rpg collection.

The setting info, while sparse, is more than enough to get a game going. And the seeds for what happens to Roanoke are great fodder for games.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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