I was very excited about this - especially the hit location system for a D20 derived ruleset. I really like D20 as a system, but always thought it lacked the crunch of personal favourites like Twilight 2000 and 2300AD. Both of these had good hit location systems, so I was really looking forward to seeing what this would bring to D20.
Unfortunately, even an initial read of the hit location rules has revealed major ambiguities and/or errors with these rules. Layout is very poor in places with circular references leading nowhere. They are simply not useable for me in their current form, and I consider a poor investment of cash.
Firearms Skill
This has a perk "Called Shot" that suggests that you can negate the penalty for targeting a specific area of the target's body, and refers to the Hit Location section for more details.
Yet the Hit Location section contains no details on how to target a specific location, only that the natural D20 value on the attack role is the actual location that is hit.
The Hit Location table does include an Attack Modifier, but there is no reference to this anywhere in the document - the phrase "attack modifier" is present exactly once - on that table.
And the values on the Hit Location table don't make sense: with -18 to hit someone in the head (almost as bad a penalty as your nth attack).
Its as hard to hit someone in the center-mass chest location as it is their calf (each at -12 modifier), and if you leave it to chance, its harder to hit the chest (10%) than the calf (15%). Meanwhile the damage done by shooting them in the calf is the same as shooting them in the chest. Yet a groin shot results in 50% more damage than the chest.
How anyone is meant to get an Injury (an attack role 5+ greater than the required to hit DC) with a -18 attack modifier for a headshot is beyond me. There's no driver to attempt to do so when the probability of hitting the in head or neck for the x2 damage (10%) is far better than taking the -18 to hit (especially when your other successful shots will do something, rather than miss due to -18 attack).
Again, consider the inconsistency: attacking a prone target, where the head and arms are the most visible target and the rest of the body is concealed, is a +4 modifier to the attack. Yet -18 for a called shot to the head.
So not only are the signs of the modifiers inconsistent (+4 penalty to attack a prone, -18 penalty to attach the head), but the absolute value of the modifiers are way out of scale from each other.
As a bonus example of the poor quality control, the section of text refering to the hit location table being below, is itself actually below the table rather than above it.
The Grappling rules section mentions random or selection of hit location, but again has no details on the selection process.
The Unarmed skill allows for a Joint Lock perk to grapple attack against a specific hit location, but doesn't refer to any penalty for doing so (which is inconsistent with the Firearms skill Called Shot perk). Yet another perk of Unarmed skill (Precision Strike) does mention negating the penalty for targeting a specific area of the target's body - but there's nothing to cover whether or not this is mutually exclusive with Joint Lock (i.e. does a full round Joint Lock attack benefit from Precision Strike, or is every Joint Lock attack free from the penalities?)
Summary: What could have been a great alternative to modern D20 rules instead feels a let down with inconsistent and ambiguous rules and layout.