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THRILLING TALES: Crimson Emperor, Chapter Three $4.00
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THRILLING TALES: Crimson Emperor, Chapter Three
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THRILLING TALES: Crimson Emperor, Chapter Three
Publisher: Adamant Entertainment
by Jeffrey V. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/26/2010 15:53:10

The third chapter of the Crimson Emperor adventure sees our heroes researching the mysterious Crimson Emperor and discovering that an old "friend," Sheldon Gray (from the Dragon Island adventure) is coincidentally attempting to mount an expedition to Tibet (the area where the Crimson Emperor disappeared several centuries before), in an effort to discover the Abominable Snow Man of the Himalayas. Gray, who chooses to remember the heroes positively if they have already met in the earlier adventure, invites them to accompany his expedition so they can search for clues to the elusive Emperor. The heroes sail for London to meet with Gray and the rest of the expedition and then proceed to India where they will board a plane for the Himalayas. One nice feature of the adventure at this point is that there are suggestions on how to enliven or expand the travel portions of the book to add more time and interest to the game, though little information necessary to do so is provided. As the adventurers approach their landing field the plane they are on is shot down and they are forced to crash-land on the mountain side. Meanwhile, Gray has become ill and they decide to proceed to a nearby monastery to seek shelter. Along the way, they run across mysterious tracks indicating the presence of the fabled Yeti! (Another nice touch is that for once, the GM doesn't have to railroad the players away from this mini-adventure and an appendix containing it "The Lair of the Yeti" is included in the game). The expedition takes shelter in the monastery and learn many things, including the presence of a Communist patrol seeking a strange weapon reputedly hidden in the mountains. Along the way they discover a murdered village and get captured by soldiers of the Crimson Emperor.

This particular scenario is very well written, with plenty of information allowing the NPCs to be well role-played. Likewise, there are several opportunities for the players to take more control of the course of the adventure, thus making it seem less like they are puppets on the GM's sting than is usual. While this adventure can be played as a "stand-alone," it almost cries out to be played together with Chapter Four, EVEN if it IS a stand-alone. In effect, Chapters Three and Four could be used to form a mini-campaign if the GM so desires.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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