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Random Fantasy Adventure Generator
Publisher: Adamant Entertainment
by Campana P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/29/2007 21:58:34

Not a bad little resource. For $2.00, you really can't go wrong, and the tables provided do cover a multitude of possible adventure seeds.

PROs: Offers a ton of possible adventure scenarios in an intelligent, easy-to-use format. Editing and grammar are, thank goodness, well-done for once.

CONs: Don't be surprised to roll up some pretty odd scenarios. While this is not necessarily a weakness -- and the author makes it clear that this will happen -- it can still be a little awkward. If it does happen, you can always re-roll if necessary.

Remember that this resource isn't meant to provide a complete adventure, and doesn't claim to -- instead, it generates the main plot idea for a GM to develop. Definitely worth it.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Random Fantasy Adventure Generator
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