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Random Fantasy Adventure Generator
Publisher: Adamant Entertainment
by Erron W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/10/2008 14:03:53

While this is a spartan story generator system (meaning you will have nothing but a basic plot outline in the barest sense) it is non-the-less one worth the spartan price tag. It is simplistic, and generates some odd results on occasion, but it is a great seed starter.

You will need to do a lot of fill work with this (NPCs, scene development, tie-ins) but it will get the creativity flowing if you let it.

I would have rated it higher if it had been more diverse in the lists you roll for. Using a D8 and D8 cross-referenced you arrive at 64 possible entries... I think they may have "run out" of things to put on the lists and struggled a little bit, which leaves the system feeling a little forced.

I would have rated it lower if it had cost even twenty-five cents more.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Random Fantasy Adventure Generator
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Scene Outline Worksheet
Publisher: Shadowstar Games, Inc.
by Erron W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/14/2008 02:48:19

It is a simple outline worksheet with no other information. It looks like it could be very useful if you are not suffering from "writer's block," but if you are you may need something more to start the ideas flowing. Once they do this will help to keep track of the scene and tie it to others.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Scene Outline Worksheet
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