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Ironclaw Legacy Bundle
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Ironclaw Legacy Bundle
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Ironclaw Legacy Bundle
Publisher: Sanguine Productions
by Ronald W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/15/2009 07:04:57

Ironclaw is a game that has me wondering why I never bothered to pick it up at the local game store. The game system is simple but sophisticated. It uses a dice pool system similar to the one found in USAGI Yojimbo. The difference is that you use multiple dice results from your dice pool instead of useing just the highest result. I really enjoyed reading the book.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Ironclaw Legacy Bundle
Publisher: Sanguine Productions
by andrew f. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/18/2008 13:18:43

I've been looking for ironclaw for years now and finally got my hands on it a couple weeks ago. normally i struggle for a few days with the rules but ironclaw is a snap!

it's simple system is based on the concept that anyone can beat anyone in a contest, and instead of target numbers an action's success is based on opposing die rolls made by the GM, known as a host. if you win, the action succeeds. if you fail, well you get the idea.

The story kind of reminds me of FASA's old battletech series, with various houses vying for total dominance. i'm not much for political intrigue but this is interesting enough to make me want every single sourcebook for it.

I definitely recommend it.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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