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The Mutant Epoch RPG Expansion Rules
Publisher: Outland Arts
by Tidus [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/24/2024 17:57:49

The Mutant Epoch is a labour of love, and that shows through in every product of the game line; and in this, the RPG's most ambitious book to date, it is more evident than it has ever been.

This expansion book has been a long time coming, but proves to be wholly worth the wait. Packed with new options for players and GM alike, it helps expand further on an already expansive setting, and helps to solidify The Mutant Epoch as not only one of the best post-apocalyptic games, but as one of the best RPGs, period.

If you're on the fence about this product, I heartily encourage you to take the plunge and buy it. The book will undoubtedly make you happy that you did.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Mutant Epoch RPG Expansion Rules
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Tales from The Floating Vagabond - Second Edition
Publisher: Floating Vagabond
by Tidus [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/04/2024 13:25:44

An utterly classic, mayhem-fuelled RPG. I played this game in its first iteration, and was saddened to hear of Lee's passing. The assumption at the time was that all chances for a second edition went with him, and so our gaming group has been giddily bounding about upon learning that Lee's madcap invention had been released anew. A very simple system, easy to pick up and utterly wacky, it will no doubt act as the vehicle for another long stream of insane antics at our roleplay table. We'll be sure to knock back a few rounds at the Floating Vagabond for Lee, and toast the exemplary efforts of his friends in bringing his hard work to life once more.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Tales from The Floating Vagabond - Second Edition
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Publisher: Lightfish Games
by Tidus [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/14/2023 09:37:49

An absolutely amazing read. FARSIGHT takes all the best bits from 5th Edition and tweaks it in all the right areas to create something refreshing and new.

I'm a long-time sci-fi fan, but have often struggled to find a system that I felt comfortable running. I've dabbled in Traveller, Stars Without Numbers, and other generic systems, but nothing quite captured the same 'wow' factor that I once had whilst running D6 Star Wars back when I first tried RPGs. Although I've only read through FARSIGHT and dabbled in a few isolated sessions, I'm now very confident that I may well have found a solid mainstay sci-fi system for my table.

Small changes from standard 5E rules that I adore include: the change from 1d20 to 2d12, and how Exploits are implemented; the fact that there are only three classes, but that they're each basically frameworks into which you can choose eligible talents (think feats or class features) to customise your personal version of that class every other level; how, in addition to class features, you gain a pool of Advancement Points to spend on ability score and/or skill improvements, the allocation of which is left entirely to the player; more dangerous combat, resulting from naturally smaller vitality point pools (as opposed to the massive hit point totals that some 5E characters can amass); and finally, the introduction of Edge Cards as a narrative gateway reward to replace 5E's more bland "inspiration means advantage".

I cannot wait until POD becomes available, and hopefully this will be followed by the ability to have a physical GM screen and Edge Cards (PDFs are great, but are poor long-term stand ins for physical materials, in my personal opinion). I also hope that this system and game is actively supported for a long time to come, providing new options for talents, backgrounds, psionics, cyberware, and species.

Fantastic work, Lightfish Games! Keep up the amazing effort.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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Fabula Ultima TTJRPG
Publisher: Need Games
by Tidus [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/11/2023 07:49:12

Fabula Ultima is one of those special games which accomplishes something new and unique. Using a simple, new player-friendly system it successfully captures the beauty and grandeur of Japanese RPGs in a way that no game before it ever has.

Game balancing and simple mechanics aside, the art and writing in Fabula Ultima is extremely evocative and well-done, and provides fluid means of capturing an original fantasy world and translating it into something real for your table. It encourages excitement and interest, giving you encouragement to include things in your original world that your players would enjoy to experience.

The game also gives a lot of power to the players by having them be involved in world building, which can give clear and strong indications to the GM about the kind of stories they would like to experience. The variety of classes, and the fact that regular, free DLC is being released, give both players and GM a wealth of options to build upon their ideas.

I've been playing RPGs for 23 years, since my earliest school days, and habitually collect new systems; I can offer no greater commendation to it than to say that Fabula Ultima sits atop my amassed collection as perhaps my favourite RPG to date.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Fabula Ultima TTJRPG
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