Owned the Hub Rules for many many years, it served me well and I got a lot of enjoyment out of it where other post-apoc titles always fell short for one reason or another. The Mutant Epoch/Outlands System is extremely robust and easy to use while remaining very hackable for homebrew. The expansion just builds on top of everything that the base rules did right for me. Everyone talks about the art, which yes is fantastic but you already knew that from the Hub Rules. What are you doing here if you don't already have the Hub Rules? I do think the art is an important factor, it really goes the whole way for the tone and feel for the setting. which of course you can dial one way or the other for your own table. Personally it brings me back to when my dad handed off his old AD&D books to me as a kid, the whole feel of it is really unique and puts my mind in a different creative mode that just kinda feels like home to me.
The star of the show is most definitely the additional character types and generation rules, so much stuff to work with and pull inspiration from it's like having your own monster generator supplement book on top of everything else it provides. But that isn't to say the rest of the material is lacking, it's certainly not and there's oodles of new toys to play with from equipment to expanded combat options. Between the Hub Rules and the Expansion Ruleset it's the most comprehensive set of post-apocalyptic rules I've seen and it covers just about everything you could imagine that might come up at the table, without feeling discordant, out of place, or having that "everything and the kitchen sink" kind of afterthought feeling.
Building your own guns, dealing with dismemberment and grievous injuries, jury-rigged cyborgs, a fun jaunt in extra-dimensional shenanigans, it even has a dedicated section for dealing with augmented reality that really pairs well with the Digital Beings character type added in this book. I do love me some Digital Beings. It's well worth it if you already own The Mutant Epoch and I sincerely recommend it with how jam-packed of awesome stuff it is. Microwave guns on a vat-brained psychic spider is all I gotta say.