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Publisher: Pinnacle Entertainment
by Richard [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/24/2024 03:22:34

I recommend this for anyone planning to run a cyberpunk campaign in SWADE. It's written for both standard cyberpunk and Shadowrun-style games, and has enough crunch to make things interesting without going too deep into "gear-porn".

It's designed with a retro 1980s-1990s style of cyberpunk in mind, so if you want something extrapolated from modern technology (and more weapons, tech, cyberware, and supernatural options), I recommend getting MagusRogue's Guide to the Sprawls - Chromed Edition, which builds on Sprawlrunners.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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Salt & Chrome Cyber Preview Edition
Publisher: Pinnacle Entertainment
by Richard [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/24/2024 03:11:44

A nice intro adventure for a cyberpunk campaign using SWADE and the excellent Sprawlrunners supplement. It's written in a way that it can be easily dropped into any campaign, and has options for standard cyberpunk and Shadowrun-style games. There aren't any maps in the Preview Edition, but the finished project will have maps.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Salt & Chrome Cyber Preview Edition
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Everyday Heroes™ Core Rulebook
Publisher: Evil Genius Games
by Richard K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/17/2022 09:01:33

Everyday Heroes does for D&D 5E what D20 Modern did for 3E, but better.

While it uses the 5E system as a framework, and there are a lot of familiar mechanics and terminology, it doesn't feel like the system is being forced into a genre it doesn't fit, which is often the pitfall of games designed around the 5E system. Although there are a few classes that mirror D&D classes (the Scoundrel is pretty much a modern Rogue, for example), they are largely built from the ground up, and the classes in the core book cover a wide range of character types. On top of that, a combination of backgrounds, professions, and feats can lead to some very interesting and unique characters. Also, the game is based around a level cap of 10, so characters don't reach the level of raw power that they do in D&D. Of course, being a modern game, there are rules regarding firearms, vehicles, and other modern equipment, and the chase rules are designed to feel like a scene from an action movie.

The core book itself is pretty complete, but can be supplemented with the Cinematic Adventures and (eventually) sourcebooks that will extend the rules to cover urban fantasy, near future science fiction, etc. (similar to what D20 Modern did). It will also have VTT support (for Roll 20 and Foundry) early next year.

I backed this on Kickstarter. My verdict after reading the rules is that the game is a lot of fun, and something I'm looking forward to running and playing in the near future. The folks at Evil Genius have poured their years of experience, and clearly, a lot of love, into this game.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Everyday Heroes™ Core Rulebook
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