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FTL Supplement 2: Spacecraft Go! $9.00
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FTL Supplement 2: Spacecraft Go!
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FTL Supplement 2: Spacecraft Go!
Publisher: Stellagama Publishing
by Frank [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/12/2024 11:43:02

This supplement for Nomad contains more space ship options, some rules clarifications, and an alternate space ship damage system. Options extend both to earlier technologies like chemical rockets and the Orion Project and components available only in the Galactic and Cosmic Ages like Advanced Organic Hulls (your hull is alive), Force Hulls (your hull is a solid force field), and Gravity Drives (you use gravity not thrust). Rules clarifications include both core concepts like Position and specific options like cargo space for shuttles. (It's an external hatch, not a hangar ... although "Spacecraft Go" gives you hangars if you want.) The alternate damage system promises to be faster but deadlier. All in all, if you want more and more realistic options for your Nomad spacecraft, you MUST get this book.

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