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SWADE Science Fiction Companion
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SWADE Science Fiction Companion
Publisher: Pinnacle Entertainment
by Wojciech [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/06/2025 09:20:35

Probably the best Companion for SWADE. It have everything that you may need for Science Fiction Campaign. You get a most robust specie creation option. A ton of weapon and gear. Optional rules for Outposts. Huge list of optional setting rules aloes any DM to run everything from grim near-future dystopia, to fantastic space opera. A big part of this book is about different types of vehicles. You can ride anything from hover bike, to space dreadnought, and everything in between (including Power Armors and Walkers for all Mecha fans out there). If you didn't find what you want, you can still make it using vehicles creation system. It is not overly complicated, but huge list of options can be overwhelming. I was peaty surprised to see Powers section getting so much attention. It contains 11 new arcane backgrounds. Most of them feels like they belong rather in Super Powers Companion, but are peaty solid rules wise. In the end we have over 50 pages of sci-fy antagonists. They are solid, but most of them feels peaty generic. There are only 2 downsides. First is lack of any kind of creature generation rules. The second is world maker chapter. It only contains random planet generator and nothing more. Seams like a mist opportunity. Over all I think Science Fiction Companion is really good. It is must have for any GM wanting to make his own sci-fy setting.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
SWADE Science Fiction Companion
Publisher: Pinnacle Entertainment
by Aidan [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/09/2024 20:52:52

Context: I've been an on-again-off-again user of Savage Worlds for something like 5-10 years now. I like its versatility / easy adaptability, although IMO find that most setting-specific RPGs are better at their exact thing than SW. That said, with my group that is not highly interested in rules, having one ruleset I can use for anything that I don't have a specific ruleset for is handy. I own all the Companions from SW Deluxe and the SWADE core book. This is the first SWADE Companion I've bought.

The good:

  • Great breadth of rules that will let you model pretty much anything sci-fi without rules-ing you to death with minutiae.
  • Expands on the SW Deluxe SciFi Companion. There's more in this one.
  • Lots of the rules / NPCs provided play off classic sci-fi tropes and make it easy to emulate those particular settings. SW is already good at exactly this, and the SciFi Companion continues the tradition.
  • Mostly sensible layout (see some minor comments below) that looks reasonably good.
  • I like the art style that they continue to use across the SWADE books. I particularly appreciate that they've gotten rid of some of the sexualised female images that were around in the SW Deluxe period (think of the Fantasy and Horror Companion book covers for SWD, for example).
  • As always with SW products, the PDF is layered so you can turn off parts of it for printing at home. Great work on this PEG. The bookmarking is also thorough.

The not-so-good:

  • While this expands on the SW Deluxe SciFi Companion, it covers a lot of the old ground that the SWD book did. It's definitely an improvement though.
  • There is a decent amount of repetition of rules across the different sections (most notably modules for starships / vehicles / walkers). I wonder if this could have been boiled down. Prospective buyers should be aware that they are not getting 306 pages of all unique stuff. There's still lots of content here though.
  • It's not real cheap. I've seen the cost of all PDFs go up substantially in recent times, so I won't say it's overpriced, but it's definitely not the bargain that the SWADE core book is (which is indeed a bargain). I have bought other non-PEG PDFs recently though that were cheaper and felt like they had higher production values (i.e. some really great art, for example), so I feel like this is on the more expensive end of stuff that's going around at the moment.

Conclusion: If you already have the SWD SciFi Companion, you can probably largely make that work for SWADE with a little effort if you don't want to spend the money on the new version. If SWADE is your go-to system and you want to run sci-fi games, you could do worse than picking this up, especially if you don't have the older SciFi Companion.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
SWADE Science Fiction Companion
Publisher: Pinnacle Entertainment
by Joshua [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/23/2024 09:35:59

The Savage Worlds system is excellent at being adapted to any genre you can imagine. These companions assist in doing this for specific genres and add significant value to your Savage Worlds toolbox.

The Sci-Fi companion adds a lot of details and options to make your Sci-Fi game, regardless of the type of sci-fi, something your players will talk about well after it is over.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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