A little gem of fast and furious skirmish
Mission Critical is a condensed and sharpened version of Hostile Takeover, with only 3 units per side (Ronin, Razor and Specialist) fighting for the control of Tactical Assets on a battlefield of limited size (2x2). It is the perfect game for those times when you look for serious wargaming action but have only limited time and limited space.
Dice mechanims are the usual ones in Patrick Todoroff's universe (3 actions, D6, D8, D10 - success on 4+). They are both simple and elegant, and allow for fast moving games.
The three units are well differentiated and it rapidly appears that protecting the Specialist (who is best to interact with the Tactical Assets) rapidly becomes an objective in itself.
Although probably designed with competitive play in mind, this set of rules is equally pleasing in a narrative style of play.
Ease of play, elegant mechanisms, tactical depth... What else can we ask?
Highly recommended to all the skirmish fans.