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Summer's End and Other One-Page Adventures $7.50
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Summer\'s End and Other One-Page Adventures
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Summer's End and Other One-Page Adventures
Publisher: Questing Beast Games
by Rafael [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/16/2025 11:01:48

Super fun adventures with minimal prep! Just my style. I really like this approach in adventure design.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Summer's End and Other One-Page Adventures
Publisher: Questing Beast Games
by Richard [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/14/2024 22:48:31

I ran Summer's End last night and it was a hit! We didn't do everything on the mountain so we may be returning for a second expedition which will be fun to plan for. All of these one-page-dungeons are great! I want to run Witches of Willowmire, but it doesn't really fit the local area of the game I am running.

After reading this book I am inspired to write my own one-page-dungeons! My players will be going through my first one soon.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Summer's End and Other One-Page Adventures
Publisher: Questing Beast Games
by Richard [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/02/2024 01:37:27

I just wanted to pipe in because I've been running A Gathering of Blades. Just one hex, described on one page, contains all the elements for a fantastic adventure. If you have the chance to run it, RUN IT! If you have the chance to play it, PLAY IT!

Don't worry about the details, just start and let the events flow and pieces emerge in play. Riff on what players are doing, let them do whatever they want, get involved in their plans and roll with the punches. The elements are strong, they work together and as a whole it will be very satisfying.

It’s some of the best fun I’ve had running a game. I love that I'm not ruining, sorry, running a module. And that a sense of continuity can emerge from the player’s interaction with the parts. It’s a sandbox where each of the elements are a lot of fun to play.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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