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AFF Adventure Creator
Publisher: Arion Games
by Richard [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/28/2024 19:32:05

I will be using this guide for solo adventuring. It is a wonderfully comprehensive and very detailed guide for questing using Advanced Fighting Fantasy 2nd ed.

It will provide missions and campaigns for you without you having to work out anything. All tasks will involve a random element that ensures endless replay-ability. If that is not to your liking there is an amazing section on creating your own quests or campaigns with many tables to roll on or pick from. There are city, wilderness and dungeon generators. The 1001 things that can happen to you in a settlement is exceptional! Not to mention the fantastic random treasure generator and great suggestions for xp rewards.

What amazes me most is there is not even a mention of a solo oracle and quite frankly it doesn’t need one! The system is very much geared towards guiding you down a path albeit one with many randomised outcomes. I suppose that’s the caveat here. If you like to just freestyle it this might be less to your liking. Yet, the fact that the system guides you so well means that any decision space left really should be your own creativity, so there really is no need for an oracle. Maybe just keep an action/theme/descriptor table nearby.

This deserves a place on every solo roleplayers shelf. It’s an original and I’d say very successful guide! I waited a long time after it was first mentioned it was being written. It is so worth the wait! If you don’t have AFF 2nd ed this is the reason to get it.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
AFF Adventure Creator
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Publisher: Utopia RPGs
by Richard [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/15/2024 04:46:20

An excellent RPG for solo or co-op play. It has an original world. I would describe it as medieval fantasy mixed with H.P. Lovecraft’s Dreamlands. There are corrupting powers that remind me of Lovecraft's elder gods whilst being the authors unique creation. The character classes are very different as are many of the monsters you may be unlucky to meet! I like the fact that It’s very focused. Your character has a specific long term goal called your obsession and when that is achieved the game ends. Lastly the art by the author himself is very good. It reminds me of Ralph Bakshi’s style for the Lord of the Rings cartoon. Recommended.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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Creator Reply:
Thank you very much for your review and your very kind words!
The Vampire - Alone in the Darkness (Remastered)
Publisher: Mind's Vision
by Richard [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/05/2024 13:02:45

Sort of ‘Vampire The Masquerade’ Solo, light. I like it. Looking forward to the ‘Witch’ and ‘Lycanthrope’ books!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Vampire - Alone in the Darkness (Remastered)
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Multiverse of Mystery
Publisher: lumen
by Richard [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/03/2023 15:47:47

Rules light game with with some great random tables to spark some gonzo solo roleplaying sessions. Great art too!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Multiverse of Mystery
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Mythic Game Master Emulator Second Edition
Publisher: Word Mill Games
by Richard S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/09/2023 15:07:47

Its great to see a 2nd edition of this wonderful system for solo or GM'less play. Everything about it is better. The content, the explanations, the art and the many options that you can use to tailor this engine to suit your own gaming style.

I like to sample other oracles/engines but Mythic is still one of the very best!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Mythic Game Master Emulator Second Edition
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The Radiance Adventure Engine
Publisher: OddFish Games
by Richard S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/09/2023 15:00:05

Radiance is a card based engine for running any RPG. It’s primarily for solo or GMless play. I’m solo so its aimed squarely at me.

I’ve had a hard time playing solo. I’ve tried pretty much every system going. I very much like Mythic but I struggle to be creative when I want to be surprised. I need something to take the lead for me.

This card system does just that. You play through 8 cards that set out “The heroes journey”. Turn over a story card to be presented with an over arching plot (or just pick one of course). Play proceeds by revealing a story card for each of the 8 main cards linking them to the over arching plot. Stories themselves are resolved by playing path cards (generally 2). These are specific events or issues to overcome or experience.

You can go deeper by playing independent stories if the desire takes you, or B story cards which are like side plots. You can gain cubes from completing cards which act as bennies that can be played for bonus effects. If you go for the Advanced set (also available here) you can play many other main stories (instead of the heroes journey) like one specifically for investigations. There is also a set of cards that helps you to run different NPC’s and intelligently randomise their actions.

I’m surprised this system hasn’t sold better. The kickstarter campaign was very successful but I missed it.

To summarise, I think this is a fantastic engine for anyone who likes to be guided more than you would get from something like Mythic etc. It does this in such an elegant way. It gently coaxes your creativity and has the potential to unlock limitless and endlessly varied stories.

It’s now my system of choice. Highly recommended!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Radiance Adventure Engine
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Publisher: Blackoath Entertainment
by Richard S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/05/2023 14:09:35

A great D100 fantasy rpg with mechanics lifted from MMORPGs. Others have explained the system well so I'll just add two points that I really like about this game.

  1. It has a perfect balance between game and roleplaying. As a solo roleplayer this is an element that I have come to appreciate. There is plenty in the book to help you build a rich roleplaying experience that will be different every time. Its very solo friendly. In fact that appears to be the main mode presented in the book along with co-op play. It is also easy to adapt for a traditional group experience. However, it also has a robust game like structure to it that allows you to sit back a bit when you are too tired to be very creative. Having a manual job I really appreciate being able to decide which mode I want i.e. more of a game or more of a story telling experience.

  2. It has a unique bestiary. There are no orcs, goblins or dark elves here. Everything about the setting feels comfortably high fantasy but the author has steered clear of some of the more obvious tropes in the genre. I love that. It makes travelling through a fantasy land a bit more like the reason you enjoyed it when you first encountered it! More authors should try this!

An excellent book, highly recommended.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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Witch & Knave
Publisher: Things I Keep
by Richard S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/17/2020 16:38:29

A great solo rpg. Almost everything you need is contained in the book. Just add a question oracle and you're off and running.

I love the light setting, its all you need for solo as detailed settings can be restrictive. Character creation is quick but really detailed. The blood and doom track is really innovative. Encumberance is handled simply and has you contantly chewing your lip over how much you can carry, as it should.

The rules can be a bit vague at times but it seems that the author is updating so I'm sure it will all get ironed out in the future.


Update. This game is a work in progress. The latest update contains very big changes. It has most certainly improved and is much less vague. Monster creation is now completely unique. The magic sytem has improved and exploration is far more concise. Cool!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Witch & Knave
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Motif Story Engine (Solo and GM-Lite Roleplaying Toolkit)
Publisher: Thought Punks
by Richard S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/30/2020 11:45:59

Truly this is an excellent solo roleplaying engine. I haven't put it through its paces but in theory this could be the best I've seen and I've purchased most of them.

Finally someone has pushed the format forward instead of rehashing the standard mechanisms or making an engine that is either to minimal or too complex for your average gamer. Awesome!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Motif Story Engine (Solo and GM-Lite Roleplaying Toolkit)
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Cat's Dream
Publisher: Tobie Abad
by Richard S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/02/2020 08:12:18

This is a great little storytelling game. Its easy to learn and produces great dream stories. The author has promised to make a supplement for it. I await eagerly!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Cat's Dream
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Underworld Stories
by Richard S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/10/2019 18:50:11

I agree with Stephans review.

This is a great rules light, Dungeon Crawl that takes up minimal space and plays swiftly. The combat is innovative!

I love games that I can play in an evening after work when I have limited time and I'm tired. This is one of those games. Score!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Underworld Stories
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Hannibal ad Portas
by Richard S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/23/2019 19:14:43

For the price this is excellent. Its a small solitaire game that has a good balance of strategy and luck and tells a great story.

Good game and I can see great replayability.

If you are convinced that dice hate you you are in luck. The card deck in this game replaces D6 and will virtually ensure you never end up rolling a 1 after 1 after 1! Or indeed a slew of 6's. It tends to smooth out the number distribution. I might use it for other games. Of course, if that sounds bad to you then just roll D6's. It's your game...

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Hannibal ad Portas
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The Adventure Crafter
Publisher: Word Mill Games
by Richard S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/27/2019 17:45:53

This book does exactly what it claims to do. it will create adventures for you with as much or as little detail as you require.

If you use Mythic GME it is an essential addition. It truly is an amazing add on for anyone who roleplays solo or a group without a GM.

Truly, I believe this is a stroke of genius. I reckon it's worth an Ennie. Also it is a shining example of technical authoring. It's easy to unserstand its moving parts because it's explained so logically with numerous examples.


[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Adventure Crafter
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The Courtship of the Flower Demons
Publisher: Ganesha Games
by Richard S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/08/2018 17:43:20

Honestly, this book is essential if you have 4 Against Darkness. The setting and premise of the Flower Demesne is highly original and wonderfully evocative. You even have to forgoe a certain amount of combat and instead find yourself involved in weird courtship encounters!

The new classes are great too but the real winner (apart from the setting) here is the section on potions. Its incredible!

This book could completely change the way you play 4AD. Hunting for ingredients for potions is now a fascinating and lucrative objective that will see you seeking throughout many of the other books in the line already published.

I highly rate this supplement. Buy it immediately!!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Courtship of the Flower Demons
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Micro Maze 01: The Garden of Mad Alchemy (Solo Game)
Publisher: Fishwife Games
by Richard S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/15/2018 14:57:07

More simplistic than Exiles of the Wicked Maze but easier to get going and has a different goal. Good fun! It would be a 5 star rating if there was more than one map like Exiles. 3 different mazes would be good.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Micro Maze 01: The Garden of Mad Alchemy (Solo Game)
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