A simple and clean adventure idea. would work as a great one night run and could be fit into almost any setting location with simple name changes. The booklet includes key NPCs as well as the adventure outline and background lore. There are parts left slightly vague so the GM could adapt this for the party of PCs. I believe this could be used by any GM to add to their side quest style evenings.
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Appreciate the review, Daniel. You nailed it: My goal was to create short scenarios for a referee to use in a variety of ways. One shots, side quests. As a player, I've often had the most fun when the adventure strays from the main campaign, and I wanted to give referees options to do that at their own table. In the future, a referee could even combine all the Hard Vacuum issues as the structure for a homebrew campaign. And if you enjoyed the first issue, I'm confident you'll like what's on deck. |
Some fun new toys for the characters to go more in debt trying to chase.
Well done team!
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I love the combined nod to the inspiration and yet still preserved the Traveller feel. Well done.
Nice adventure. Worth giving a run. :-)
I thought it would make a great Halloween game for sure.
Overall, I liked this book. If you like the Zozer setting, you should still pick up this book if you plan to have characters visit Earth for any real length of time.
This is a great book covering more than just plain bounty hunters. Rather offers a wider range of folks and ideas. Well worth the cost in my opinion.
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I loved the Atlas and having a smaller version was just too good to pass up.
Thank You Very Much
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I can just feel the snicker he is making. Do not turn your back on this one for sure. :-)
Great little miniature.
It is great to have the Warrior added to the line up. Now we can do all eight of the core rules classes. Nice work Alexey. :-)
Overall I found myself underwhelmed. Sorry but that is why I gave an average number of stars.
I felt he handled the subject well. Started with some open and honest conversation on the ethics and potential issues with a culture that grows their own slaves. What it could mean for the culture at large.
Well written, in my opinion.
Creator Reply: |
Thank you for your great review! |
Thank you for your great review! |
I have really enjoyed reading these various entries. Not just for their content, but for the help in generating creative moments for my games. I strongly recommend this book for anyone GMing their own games. :-)
I found this to be a great version of the game. I liked Zozer's approach to the various rules. Simple enough to allow easy teaching and play, but enough meat to allow one to build a setting if desired.
I picked this up with the idea I would blend some items into my game. I have always thought some cybernetics could and should be part of any scifi world, Cepheus/Traveller included. But as I read the book I found myself finding more and more I would like to blend in. The author put some real effort to make the items feel balanced in the core world. Yes some would be powerful, but then so would real cybernetics in a real world. With a small amount of effort, as suggested by the author, the person running the game could keep the cybernetics from overpowering the world and rather, remain as tools to enhance the overall experiance.
I would recomend this product to anyone who wants to sprinkle in some cybernetics into their game like a spice not turn thier game into a Cyberpunk world. Enjoy the far future that is the Cepheus/Traveller game.
Very cleaver and yet simple and clean. Love how you gave ait a "memory" of the previous action. This is a tool That will get used for sure.
I did add some funds in, I say to anyone who is getting this, give the creater something. It is worth it.
Now I just need to figure out what in game effect these different weather elements may have, if any beyond setting.
Thank You :-)