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Faster Than Light: Nomad $19.99
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Faster Than Light: Nomad
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Faster Than Light: Nomad
Publisher: Stellagama Publishing
by Arthur [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/28/2024 11:23:31

I initially dismissed FTL Nomad when it first popped across my suggestions thinking it was yet another one of those "Traveller clones with a few slight tweaks" type games. I recently gave it another look after someone else described it as more like "Barbarians of Lemuria crossed with Stars Without Number" (two of my all time favorite games) and fell in love with everything I saw. While I wouldn't quite describe it as "the Sci-Fi BoL" it's close enough so that I get the comparison; you have a few traits that you quickly assign a few points to, pick a career and some perks, then start rolling 2D6's to make things happen. Likewise, it isn't as comprehensive as SWN either but again I see the comparison in all the randomized charts provided. Overall I can definitely see FTL Nomad as becoming my new favorite default Sci-Fi RPG, and I hope to see many more supplements and even other genres covered by this same engine in the future.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thank you for your excellent review!
Faster Than Light: Nomad
Publisher: Stellagama Publishing
by Frank [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/10/2024 11:48:08

Faster Than Light: Nomad has the feel of classic science fiction RPGs but with modern and streamlined rules. One could use these rules for just about any science fiction game, from near-future cyberpunk to classic far-future space opera. However, Nomad’s sweet spot is in its Early Interstellar Age, where FTL space ships take a week to transit between stars, interstellar radio is far in an inconceivable future, and pirates still ply the inky black. It's the Age of Sail meets space opera, and I'm here for it.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Faster Than Light: Nomad
Publisher: Stellagama Publishing
by Tod [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/24/2024 22:42:45

Typical Stellagama, lots of fun. Lots of interesting options. And more 2d6s than you can set into orbit.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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