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Gamemaster's Guide to the Underground - over 1000 ideas for gaming in caves, caverns, and dungeons $9.99 $3.99
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Gamemaster\'s Guide to the Underground - over 1000 ideas for gaming in caves, caverns, and dungeons
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Gamemaster's Guide to the Underground - over 1000 ideas for gaming in caves, caverns, and dungeons
Publisher: MediaStream Press
by Badger B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/12/2024 11:09:40

I like this set of tables a lot.

There are 11 sets of tables. I will include two examples from each table. And for consistency I will pick the first 2 entries from each table rather than my favourites.

100 animal encounters 1. Crayfish 2. Salamander 100 underground encounters 1. Body of adventurer 2. Massive, armored,burrowing worm or creature 100 scenery ideas - [Setting the Scene] 1. Stalactites hang like jagged teeth from the ceiling. 2. The walls are slick with moisture, reflecting torchlight 100 plants & fungi 1. Glowworm fungus 2. Cave moss 100 rocks & minerals [Gems & Minerals] 1. Quartz 2. Calcite 100 story hooks 1. A forgotten tomb holds the remains of an ancient sorcerer, guarded by spectral guardians. 2. A group of rebel dwarves seeks to overthrow their corrupt king and restore honor to their clan 100 environmental effects 1. A low rumbling echoes through the tunnels, hinting at distant underground movements. 2. Faint bioluminescent fungi emit a soft glow, casting eerie shadows on the walls 100 underground locations/encounter sites 1. An underground lake, its depths shrouded in darkness. 2. A network of interconnected tunnels, forming a maze-like labyrinth 100 underground hazards 1. Collapsing ceiling 2. Quicksand pit 100 underground treasures and loot ideas 1. A small pouch containing precious gemstones. 2. A vial of rare and potent alchemical reagents 100 underground area names 1. The Shadowed Grotto 2. The Dark Abyss

I find that these tables perform their role for me, in that they inspire ideas within me, they help create unction where my mind was a blank.

Worth mentioning that I intially I had trouble reading the text but the author quickly put out an amended version. Have asked for a print fiendly so I can have it as part of my DM kit

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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