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The Iselion Hybrid
Publisher: Pear Tree Studio
by Andrew [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/14/2024 17:51:54

I have run this once for friends and family and once at a con. I plan to run it at another con soon. Well written and fun and the outcome can vary tremendously from group to group. Heavy role play and interpersonal character interaction focus relative to combat, although you can make it a bit heavier in combat if you prefer. Each character has secrets that, if embraced, can make for some lively roleplaying among the players! Possible PvP, too (depending on the players, not required of the scenario), so be wary if your players will or will not like that aspect.

The Resource Dice mechanic is fun, but neither game of mine did it have much impact. Use with caution because it could swing the game drastically if the rolls come up bad, or have no impact if the rolls are good. Keep to yourself the actual table and implement it as you feel works for dramatic tension. Also add more rolls if you feel the tension needs it.

My only complaint is that the ship map is way too big to lay out on a con table, so I made up my own version using Dungeondraft and sci fi assets.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Iselion Hybrid
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The Secret World-Figure Flats
Publisher: Star Anvil Studios
by Andrew [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/17/2024 19:38:49

I'm a bit disappointed in how tiny these are. They are about 75% to 80% of the size of regular Pinnacle figure flats (the cardboard ones) for a similar human figure. I like the simple foldable cardstock style of these, just disappointed in the scale.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
The Secret World-Figure Flats
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Character Options: Talents (5e)
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Andrew G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/12/2019 20:44:43

If you are looking for ways to increase the 'cool' factor of what your player's characters can be, this is your supplement. Consider this a massive library of "minor" feats to supplement the regular feats.

I have only perused this from a high level, and I do believe that there could still be a bit of balancing needed with some of these. For instance, the Dashing Scoundrel talent allows the character to, 3 times per day, add a d12 to five of the most common skill checks. A d12 seems awfully big for this, especially for a mini-feat. But these kinds of considerations are easy to vet in your own game, and don't diminish the massive amount of work that went into the book, and the flavor it presents.

Even though I am afraid that implementing these fully as written could possibly lead to some classes overlapping the specialties of other classes, I love the material. Nicely written and presented.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Character Options: Talents (5e)
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Yartar High Resolution Map
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Andrew G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/12/2019 15:18:30

Nice map, but the numbered locations on the DM version are almost impossible to read. In the next iteration or update, please make the numbers read-able.

Also, a JPG version would be nice to include with the PDF.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Yartar High Resolution Map
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Residents of Trollskull Alley
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Andrew G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/23/2019 00:57:04

This is an excellent resource to flesh out Trollskull Alley for your players. I love all the NPC's, ideas, etc. It truly makes the Alley a vibrant place for the players to call "home" within Waterdeep.

I have one nagging complaint regarding the Trollskull Manor maps. The manor maps don't have the stairs on the ground floor lining up with the floors above. Maybe players can be talked into glossing over this grossly negligent detail, but it drives me nuts! I recommend a re-work of the Ground Floor map by the publisher to show the stairs where they need to be.

EDIT: now that I played it with my players, I realized that the stairs are just fine. My mistake was looking at both the stairs in the WotC module and this and getting confused because they didn't line up, etc. So ignore my idiot comment above! That is what I get for being in a hurry to prep for a game! Great material!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Residents of Trollskull Alley
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Creator Reply:
Andrew, Thank you for the excellent review. Making the alley feel alive was precisely our intent. Based on your comments about the maps, I tripled checked the alignment. All of the maps stack up with stairs in the right places to align to the floors above and below. I created a pictorial alignment guide for level 1 - 3 of the manor, which I would be happy to share with you. Can't post it here because HTML is not supported in the reviews and comments. Please contact me at if you would like it. Thanks, Hal
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