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Land of Mist for Old-School Essentials $12.00 $9.95
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Land of Mist for Old-School Essentials
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Land of Mist for Old-School Essentials
Publisher: BirdEnuf Books & Games
by Christopher [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/30/2024 04:26:58

The setting is interesting, it provides classes and other extensions to OSE that help it to feel like a fleshed out world where you could have some fun and dangerous adventures. The lore is mysterious and it finds a good balance between explanation and things left for the referee. I'm not sure I would run it as is, but I'll definitely use bits and pieces from it in my campaign.

It lost a star for the POD printing - the content runs in too close to the spine. I'm thinking there was not enough gutter added to the printer version. It makes the physical book less comfortable to read.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Land of Mist for Old-School Essentials
Publisher: BirdEnuf Books & Games
by Rae [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/27/2024 04:41:16

The nostalgia factor for my childhood is in this book. I highly recommend it!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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