If you're like me and you've been enjoying Lost 2e but have been needing deeper mechanical depth and some more additions for the game, Book of Seemings gives all of that and more.
The intoduction sets the theme and the mood of what this book is going for, something I believe it executes extremely well. Each Seeming also gets a particular piece of reference Media, two examples being the Barbie movie for Fairest (Which is something I noted in cinemas as well) and God of War for Ogres
Chapter one Breaks down each of the seemings, investigating their psychology and who is normally likely to become one of the seemings.
Chapter two provides a reintroduction of several 1e Kiths like Drudge and Bloodbrute, whilst introducing the Palewraith and Echoveil.
Chapter three provides Seeming based Entitlements, with allowances for new and different justifications to join these entitlements. I am extremely excited to see the Knights of the Knowledge of the Tongue back in circulation.
Chapter four gives a stack of new and Archetypes, Frailties, merits and Seeming benefits.
Chapter Five gives deeper relationships and power to a Changeling's Seeming with Darklings able to construct archives in the hedge called Liebraries to house and store their hoard of secrets.
Chapter 6 offers the Forgotten, Changelings that got trapped in the Hedge, and bound into the hedge as Antagonistic creatures, as well as their new regalia, Maw.
In a quick read of this book, I have felt a surge of respect and adoration for None More Dark, they have captured a lot of the spirit and the style of Changeling the Lost, perfecting and refining it in places. The art is all magnificent, evoking the beautiful madness one would expect of a changeling book, although some of the Seeming specific art does have a drop in quality.
Where I feel that this document fell down is minor:
- The Contents pages are formated so that chapter titles and subtitles have been spread over multiple columns and pages which makes it more difficult to keep track of where content actually is.
- Some of the justification for contracts, entitlements, and the additional blessings are not as tied to Arcadia as I, personally would like. This chapter gives a more disjointed view of the Seemings rather than reinforcing the fact they're tied to the cycles of abuse, trauma, or are tools of healing that run through Changeling. I would have loved to see Wild Runs tied to the Wyld Hunt that the Beasts must still remember on specific days, for example.
Overall an excellent book and one I will be permanently be considering cannon in my Changeling Book lists.