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How to Make a Fantasy Sandbox $14.99
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How to Make a Fantasy Sandbox
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How to Make a Fantasy Sandbox
Publisher: Bat in the Attic Games
by Kurt [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/29/2024 16:44:37

I can't currently, read the product because I don't do well reading PDF's, so I print them out, myself - if the product is REALLY worthy, I'll buy a hardcopy. There is a flaw in this PDF that doesn't allow it to be printed on two sides of a sheet of paper - 90 pages was already a lot, but 180 is unfeasible. I've spent over an hour, tinkering and testing with other products (they work, so not my printer). I even tried shrinking the print size down to just ten pages, but no dice. It sucks to leave this as a review, but the publisher allows no other means of contact - if it's here, on DTRPG, I couldn't find it, the web site has no "Contact" feature and their blog, likewise has no place to reach out. Yes, I looked before I wrote this - just added tot he frustration. If a fix is made, I intend to edit this, but here's where we stand, now.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Sorry to hear about your trouble. As for contacting me you can email at robertsconley (at) Sub in the @ symbol for (at). I will be glad to work with you through the technical issues of printing the PDF. I do booklets and double sided printing myself all the time with Adobe Acrobat. One detail that is perhaps not obvious is that the page size is digest 5.5 x 8.5 not A5 which is roughly 5-7/8 x 8-1/4 in. This can be seen by clicking the Menu and then Document Properties on Adobe Reader or Acrobat. For How to Make a Fantasy Sandbox I printed a test copy, double sided with Adobe Acrobat using digest sized paper on my Brother Laser Jet printer. Hopefully that helps. If you choose to email me, give me the details of what PDF software you are using to print, the printer, and the paper size you are trying to use, and perhaps I can figure out how to help. Thanks Rob Conley
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