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The Dread Laironomicon $21.45
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The Dread Laironomicon
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The Dread Laironomicon
Publisher: Raging Swan Press
by Nicolas [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/04/2024 08:58:12

I love it. It's ideal to flavor my encounters when prepping or on the fly. It also gives me hooks or ideas for my random encounter tables. It has all the main monsters and you could extrapolate for other that are similar. Last but not least, it's great for reading just for fun, it takes me on adventuring paths :-)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Dread Laironomicon
Publisher: Raging Swan Press
by Keith [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/26/2024 20:52:30

This book is amazing. Whether you are a GM looking for some inspiration as to what monsters you want to put in your adventure or just need a quick easy-to-build monster lair, this book has you covered. I love the artwork and how the information for the monsters is laid out. I highly recommend adding this to your DM library!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Dread Laironomicon
Publisher: Raging Swan Press
by Bruce [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/13/2024 12:55:15

Dread Laironomicon, Another mighty tome of useful tables from Raging Swan this time covering the lairs of 100 monsters, bandits, buildings, caves, villages, haunts and dens. All detailed in a book with over 210 pages of tables, indexes and illustrations.

Each section is divided into 7 topics: outside the lair; what’s going on; major lair features; minor lair features; appearance of the occupant; treasure; and trinkets & trash. Each of these sections has a numbered list of descriptions that you can roll randomly on or just choose from. Lots of careful thought has gone into these lists as each one contains descriptions that suit the lair inhabitant very well. To a discerning adventurer, these can be very good clues as to what they are about to face as they approach the lair.

Also included is a concordance style index where you pick your lair by creature type and then find beneath it is shown all the pertinent sections that relate to that subject. I find this feature very useful to create a complete picture of what I want to share when using a theme.

I highly recommend this book as it will definitely make your life easier and more fun as a DM when creating your adventure both beforehand and also on the fly. After all, who doesn’t want to give out the randomly rolled clue of ‘the smattering of yellow spikes juts from tree trunks while a few others litter the ground’ as the hapless adventurers approach the manticore’s lair seeking shelter…

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Dread Laironomicon
Publisher: Raging Swan Press
by IAN [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/12/2024 18:29:45

Once again Creighton and his fellow authors and artists at Raging Swan have produced a remarkable feat. They have pulled together into one place something special. A product that at once inspires creativity (just how scary would it be to be invited round for dinner at a Rakshasa's mansion, slowly realising something was not quite right!), and in equal measure doles out practical support (okay, I admit it, I am slightly addicted to random tables)? If you are looking for a product that can do both of these things and more, then you are in the right place.

I cannot recommend this highly enough!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Dread Laironomicon
Publisher: Raging Swan Press
by Andrea M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/11/2024 03:54:34

Disclaimer: Being a TTRPGler for over 35 years by now and a long time subscriber of Raging Swan on Patreon I have seen, read and own a tremendous stuff of TTRPG material in several languages so I allow to share my perspective on this product that I own only in PDF version. My physical library is overflowing so I simply can't buy anylonger physical stuff - a pitty.

This product is the collection of the Monstrous Lair series published over the last few years. No matter if you plan your sessions long time in advance or are running out of time - this (as all other Raging Swans product) help gives you neatly arranged lairs for a whole bunch of monsters. You can us them as published or plunder them or us them to kick your creativity. Best of all three is a system neutral version - so no need to restrain you and usuable for ANY system and IMHO also for any setting. Worth every cent and if you are still unsure, check his free one-pagers to get a taste.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thank you, Andrea! Your review and kind words are much appreciated. Good luck with your delves!
Thank you, Andrea. Your review and kind words are much appreciated. Good luck with your delves
The Dread Laironomicon
Publisher: Raging Swan Press
by Mark F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/10/2024 22:51:56

I really found this useful. Lots of info and makes last minute gaming night not so much of a panic on my part

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Dread Laironomicon
Publisher: Raging Swan Press
by Infra [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/10/2024 09:27:21

I've used raging swan's individual lairs, and having the collection now is much handier - a single pdf with sections quick-linked from the table of contents. Fast and easy to use. Lair features, trinkets and trash, and treasures all relevant to the environment - it helps to not have to always think up new interesting things to paint a mental picture of an area. I can focus on the arc of the adventure and still make the individual places memorable for the players.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Dread Laironomicon
Publisher: Raging Swan Press
by Timothy [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/10/2024 03:44:43

What strikes me about Dread Laironomicon is that this is a book that was carefully crafted to be as useful as possible at a breadth of gaming tables. This is evident by its clean layout, its system-neutral presentation, and the Lairs by Creature Type and Monstrous Lair by Terrain Type lists.

Information is presented in numbered lists. Each lair offers 10 details under each of the following sub-sections: Outside the Lair, What's Going On?, Major Lair Features, Minor Lair Features, Creature's Appearance, Treasure, and Trinkets & Trash.

I recommend Dread Laironomicon as a valuable improv tool and part of your gaming prep.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Dread Laironomicon
Publisher: Raging Swan Press
by Andy [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/09/2024 20:58:24

Included in this book are 100 unique monster/creature lairs, each featuring a brief creature description, a hand-drawn black and white illustration predating AI, and seven lists - each containing 10 lair features. Features encompass exterior lair features, ongoing events, conspicuous aspects noticed by characters, subtle details requiring investigation, the monster's appearance, unique treasures (without game-breaking consequences), and weird, but fun, trinkets and trash.

Honestly, trinkets and trash are the first thing I look at when reading through Raging Swan’s books. Players at my table really like getting odd little doodads that have no real value outside of being something original.

For added convenience, a linked table of contents is provided—an often overlooked but straightforward feature that many content creators omit. Please note that this resource does not include maps, dungeon inhabitants, or stat blocks. However, these elements can be easily sourced elsewhere, such as from the SRD, 5e Monster Manual, or Pathfinder Monster Core books.

In essence, the 200 pages dedicated to lairs offer substantial and practical content that any DM should have in their arsenal. Having also purchased the physical copy + PDF of the Dread Thingnomicon, I see myself incorporating Dread Lair into my session preparation almost as frequently as Dread Thing.

Disclaimer: I am a recipient of a complimentary copy of the Dread Lairnomicon. I was not required to write a review. I am sharing my unbiased perspective.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Dread Laironomicon
Publisher: Raging Swan Press
by A customer [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/09/2024 13:36:28

I love this book and the Monstrous Lairs line - the material has helped me pull together a fun evening in my 5e, Pathfinder 2e, and Dragonbane games many times. Having well-thought out, low-prep materials ready at hand is a huge help.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Dread Laironomicon
Publisher: Raging Swan Press
by Badger [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/29/2024 10:18:13

This arrived today. The book is 222 pages. It has excellent binding. The paper weight feels very high quality. The art is black and white but nice and detailed. I have owned several of these modules [approx 50 of them] as they came out.

The articles are of such a quality that I have longed for a hardcover book option of them. There are 100 monster 'lairs' and the modules themselves follows a tried and tested method. The tables all have 10 options and are broken down into 7 sections. 01 Outside the lair 02 Whats going on? 03 Major Lair Features 04 Minor lair Features 05 insert monster name here's Appearance 06 Treasure 07 Trinkets + Treasure Below is an example from the Troll Cave Outside the Lair A rock barricade fortifies the entrance, making entry difficult for creatures man-sized or larger. Whats Going on? The troll is sifting through its treasure hoard. Major Lair Features The cave is rife with fungi; some is poisonous. Minor Lair Features Water oozing up from below has transformed a swath of floor into a sticky morass; the characters discover this, when they step into the affected area. Troll's Appearance The troll is obese and cannot see its feet (or bend down to pick things off the floor without great difficulty). Treasure A tightly wound woollen rug—decorated with geometric patterns—leans against one wall. The rug is wrapped around a sheaf of five throwing spears. Trinkets + Treasure A ripped and torn map shows the surrounding area. Obviously once a work of art as well as a map, now only scraps of dirty parchment survive. There is of course the option to not pick with what you rolled but any of the 9 others presented. Its been an excellent resource over the years, producing lair after lair. Its now an excellent resource, packaged into this book. I look forward to pulling the book of the shelf and having the complete freedom to create a lair on the hop. Because its really that good!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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