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City Encounters for Swords & Wizardry
Publisher: Mythmere Games
by Aaron [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/15/2024 10:08:38

Managed to thrust the characters into some delicious intrigue with one of the encounters. Completely improvised save for the initial encounter and the players loved it. Most encounters I've seen have a lot of potential for engagement, or disengagement if the players say "Not interested.". Most encounters are stat-lite, so moving this to any other system would be easy. It wouldn't be hard to use this in 5e, if really desired. Could also work with Blades in the Dark after some easily made-up changes (Make fey into ghosts, change garbs to a more modern attire, etc)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
City Encounters for Swords & Wizardry
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