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Nowhere Fast (PS-DC-HNL-01) $1.99
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Nowhere Fast (PS-DC-HNL-01)
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Nowhere Fast (PS-DC-HNL-01)
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Steven T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/21/2024 03:04:26

A brilliant Planescape Adventure. Fun, memorable characters, chances and opportunities.

Alot for DMs to work with and improvise, but excellent and succinct guidance for those new to Planescape to use adjust.

Planescape will require some extra reading from DMs, but for players the information provided in the Module is enough for the fans and newbies to PS to enjoy. Also love the visual effects and formatting into the Planescape style. Also art is simplistic but excellent.

Kudos for a great module.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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