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MythCraft Core Rulebook
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MythCraft Core Rulebook
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MythCraft Core Rulebook
Publisher: QuasiReal House
by Edward [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/12/2025 21:41:18

Ring Side Report- RPG review of MythCraft Core Rulebook

Originally posted at, a new idea every day!

Product- MythCraft Core Rulebook System- MythCraft Producer- QuasiReal House Price- $9.95 here TL; DR-New and old combine to make a fun D20 game. 90%

Basics- Welcome to the world of Ancerra! MythCraft is a kickstarter from last year that works via several talents and a base system you already know if you played most other DnD style games. Let’s look at how the system works.

Base Mechanics- This is d20+attribute for attacks and D20+attribute+skill ranks for skills. You attack with a sword? Add your Strength to that d20. You shoot a bow? Add your Dexterity to that d20. You know it, I know it, and we both love it.

Attributes- each level you gain +1 attribute point. Your bonus in an attribute can NEVER be more than half your level +1. So a sixth level fighter can’t have a strength greater than +4. It’s easy enough to keep track of and familiar enough to be easily applied.

BOP-Characters are built from a Background, Occupation, and a Profession…. and a lineage. Lineage is your race. You gain features at specific levels that are lineage specific. The lineages range from your standard human to constructs to even undead and kind of robot people. Backgrounds give you skills you can put points into and occupations it should lead into, and professions are the job you do for money and it provides additional skills and bonuses. Both professions and occupations deal with tags. Tags are information that the game uses to identify important things and prerequisites for bonuses.

Classes- At second level you can choose a class and here is where the game REALLY opens up. There are over 10 classes. These classes have different paths that lead to different talents that give you different abilities. This game uses talents for lots of different abilities and honestly you could use the word feat from DnD and Pathfinder and you would completely understand what the game means. But unlike the strategic direction that DnD 5e went in to avoid feat trees, this game leans HARD into feat trees for the different classes and subclasses within each.

Skills- Your background provides you with a number of skill points, and skill and subskill options you can spend those points on. You gain skills each level as well. The amount of skill points you can put in each skill is limited by your background.

Combat-All the normal things you know and love for combat are here. You roll initiative at the start of combat but it's based on your awareness attribute instead of Dexterity or Perception. BUT here is where MythCraft separates itself from other games in the DnD space. Each action takes action points. Instead of DnD’s Move, Minor, Standard or Pathfinders three actions, each character gets three action points and more based on your coordination attribute up to 8. Each action you do takes different action point costs. Some spells cost one point while some might cost over four! Stab someone with a dagger will be two points, while some things like a Greataxe are eight minus your strength score, minimum four. You may need to build up to the big boy big toys that do massive damage, but a nimble elf with a dagger might get four solid dagger strikes in a turn. If you hit the armor score, you do damage via rolling different sized dice.

Magic-Magic is more akin to Final Fantasy in this game. You get spells via talents and classes, but you don't prepare spells like in DnD or Pathfinder. You have your pool of points, and you spend those points as well as action points to cast spells. You can cast the same spell all day long as long as you have the points you need for it.

Ok, Let’s do my thoughts.

Mechanics or Crunch-This game is different and the same at the same time. The D20 system and its children are alive and well. It’s put to good use here being both new and old at the same time. It’s easy to pick up, but not a carbon copy of 5e, 4e, 3.5, or Pathfinder. It is easy and fun to play. I don't know if most people will get to level 30 and have a crazy high coordination to get those crazy turns, but it is an interesting game where you get to do all kinds of different actions or the same action. 5 /5

Theme or Fluff- My complaint about this game is there is a lot here, but not enough story about the world. The different character options provide a story, but there is not enough about the world as a whole to draw me in. The races all have backgrounds that are cool and intriguing. The classes have story in them and the art makes you see what they are. The gods and pantheons are all interesting. But, there is not a world story in this book. You get that there is some planet you are playing on and there is some fantasy things happening like demons bad, but beyond that I have no idea who’s doing what. I want to know more, but give me more in this book. There's awesome here, but I need more. 4 /5

Execution- This book makes interesting design decisions that alternate between paying off and not quite getting there. First, the simple issue of too many different words for the same thing. You have talents and features. Just call them one thing and give them different tags. This game gives out lots of tags to label stuff that’s important. Good, so just have talents with tags for the linages and say you can take them at different levels. It’s what Pathfinder does and it works. The book has several pages with introductions of each class and a picture. It then says go to page XX to see all the class stuff. That’s cool! Those pages are several pages of words explaining each talent. That’s boring, but needed since this is a feat based game. Then after all the feats, the book has each feat tree for each subclass. Honestly I would put those in between each class to show how the different talents/feats have different requirements for each other. I love the diagrams and don't even mind if they are not hyperlinked inside the pictures. But breaking up 50 pages of text with some pictures will help your readers. Otherwise, this book does the job well, though with a few minor issues. 4.5/5

Summary- This book is someone's labor of love and how they see d20 RPGs being played. It’s close enough to your old D20 favorites that you will learn how to get playing fast. It’s also different and has enough options that you won't call this a simple clone of any other game out there. Its issues are in the execution, with a few choices that I feel need a bit more work to reach perfection, and a lack of world story that I feel other books will address. I just wish they were in this one! If you don't want to play another 5e game but want the simplicity of the math, and you don't want Pathfinder but want the flexibility of the action mechanics, Then this is the game you and your group should pick up. 90%

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thank you so much for your review Edward! We'll work on that last 10% ;)
MythCraft Core Rulebook
Publisher: QuasiReal House
by Kathleen K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/20/2024 20:41:55

I haven't had the opportunity to PLAY yet, but the character creation and mechanics are like the perfect level of customization while not being overwhelming with too many options or minutiae of mechanics.

I look forward to taking this to a table!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
MythCraft Core Rulebook
Publisher: QuasiReal House
by Thomas H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/20/2024 19:10:59

Full disclaimer, my only other TTRPG experience is barely scratching the surface of DnD. That said, I love the MythCraft system.

The level of character customization available is mind-boggling, and Action Point combat is strategic and dynamic with effectively zero waste.

Characters start with a Background and Profession rather than a Class, which doesn't become an option until level 2, so they feel like a more organic part of the world before starting out on their adventure. Your Profession gives you a way of interacting with the world outside of combat, augmenting roleplay. Magic isnt innately tied to Class, so you can learn one of the five Sources before even deciding on a Class, leading to truly unprecedented combinations. And by gaining a new Talent every level, progression feels gradual and meaningful.

The amount of Action Points you have each turn is deteined by your Coordination Attribute, giving you control over your action economy and a cost-benefit strategy. Action Points left at the end of your turn can be used on Reactions, and any Reactive Action Points that remain carry over to your next turn.

There's a whole lot more I could get into; the huge, fleshed out world, creative and creepy monsters, the plethora of conditions, how the magic sources and classes are distinct and interesting, but if the above two points catch your interest, check it out on your own time.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
MythCraft Core Rulebook
Publisher: QuasiReal House
by Nathan O. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/20/2024 18:00:07

It's a system that is new but familiar at the same time. Flipping through it you can find similar mechanics to systems like D&D 5e or Pathfinder as well as some new ones and some that are only slightly altered from other systems. It has an extensive customization system and is even built to be able to be played without a class if you so choose.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
MythCraft Core Rulebook
Publisher: QuasiReal House
by Gábor S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/20/2024 17:03:45

My favorite d20 system, if not my favorite fantasy system. Huge character creation and customization options. Bonus points for being a system where it actually makes sense for characters to move around during combat. :D

[5 of 5 Stars!]
MythCraft Core Rulebook
Publisher: QuasiReal House
by Pierre G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/20/2024 16:51:56

One of the best systems I had the opportunity to play with.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
MythCraft Core Rulebook
Publisher: QuasiReal House
by Tanner [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/30/2023 12:19:43

Compared to systems I've played, MythCraft gives much more freedom when creating a character and advancing through the ranks. MythCraft helps characters have much more depth which is something I really enjoy. I'm excited to see how things play out and what folks can come up with!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
MythCraft Core Rulebook
Publisher: QuasiReal House
by koree [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/28/2023 19:45:26

This system. just wow. It has one of the most Amazing Character creation systems that I have ever seen. Each choice seems impactful and worth it. The combat system makes for some of the most transformitive and reactive systems I have ever seen and it is pretty easy to understand both sides of the table. The expancive magic and weapon systems make for a nice change of pace. I look forward to Seeing what they have next.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
MythCraft Core Rulebook
Publisher: QuasiReal House
by Jesse [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/27/2023 20:50:24

I love this system! The mechanics are really easy to pick up, even for new players, and combat flows very smoothly. The character creation has a depth that most systems don't, allowing for some very interesting and unique characters, and it's all very balanced, so there isn't any one class or lineage that's over-powered, meaning everyone can customize it to their own play style and not suffer for having a story-driven character. I highly recommend this game to everyone, and can't wait to see what they have for us next!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
MythCraft Core Rulebook
Publisher: QuasiReal House
by Jeremy [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/27/2023 19:45:41

I found Mythcraft to be a wonderful TTRPG system with more depth and ability to customize than 5e would let me. I especially like character creation and the wide range of builds I can do, and how I'm not locked into a specific race to be able to optimize a build.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
MythCraft Core Rulebook
Publisher: QuasiReal House
by Justin [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/27/2023 18:55:43

This is a great system got to play it with some friends and absolutely love it. The character customization is far better than other rpg systems. The ruleset is easy to learn without feeling so watered down that all the fun is sucked out of it. If you are a fan of other mainstream rpgs then you are going to love this system. It has am amazing fantasy setting and the characters options feel familiar without being redundant. I have played alot of ttrpgs and this one was so refreshing to pick up can't wait to see what else this publisher can come up with.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
MythCraft Core Rulebook
Publisher: QuasiReal House
by Daniel [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/27/2023 16:35:13

What do you get when splendid sprawling stories and meaty mechanics converge?


While few things if any are truly perfect in this world the fact that the team is ever striving to deliver the most enjoyable experience gives me comfort in being able to rate this system with 5 stars. Having such a great company behind Mythcraft and an ever growing community this notion is only strengthened.

With a slew of interesting lineages, backgrounds that can embellish professions, and professions that improve with your character the customization options are extremely expansive. Such compounded by how every level comes with choices of further growth. Hosting a unique take on classes and talents...even to the point that one could completely avoid taking a class altogether. Add to all that the fresh different approach to spells and magic. Mythcraft is truly a system built to let people's creativity run free.

Being between the level of ease D&D offers and the higher difficulty of consuming Pathfinder...Mythcraft is considered a medium crunch. There is a hump to get over when first encountering the system but once there is an understanding of the mechanics Mythcraft becomes surprisingly easy to digest...especially with how much content there is packed into it all.

I cannot suggest enough that everyone at least give this system a will certainly not disappoint.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
MythCraft Core Rulebook
Publisher: QuasiReal House
by Ryu [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/27/2023 13:07:43

One of the best character customization of any d20 rpg I've played. If you're a fan of Divinity Original Sin you'll enjoy this system.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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