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OLDSKULL SWORDS & SORCERY - Book One: Adventurers - Human Artistry Special Edition $9.99
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OLDSKULL SWORDS & SORCERY - Book One: Adventurers - Human Artistry Special Edition
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OLDSKULL SWORDS & SORCERY - Book One: Adventurers - Human Artistry Special Edition
Publisher: Kent David Kelly
by Ven [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/23/2023 15:12:50

As someone who has deep ethical issues with the way neural net organizations, nonprofit and for profit corporations, have without any model for consent or remuneration scraped at this point likely hundreds of thousands of living artists (and many more of dead artists whose estates are still in effect) portfolios to create the datasets that form the bedrock of their neural net algorithms, I am extremely pleased to see you support human artistry in this way even as I still abstain from purchasing any of the products you've made since getting on this neural net illustration kick. I want to put my money where my big mouth is on this issue and ENTHUSIASTICALLY support one of my favourite creators in the OSR space when I get a chance to do so in a way I feel is ethical, especially when it's a product of as high a level of quality as this one (and I eagerly await book 2 and beyond based on the quality herein)! I appreciate that you at least give the option to support human artists and I, for one, don't mind paying a higher price point for works of yours with commissioned art compared to the lower effort and lower cost (and frankly aesthetically unappealing to me, though that's separate from the ethical concern entirely) neural net illustration. So many creators who have switched to neural net prompt engineering do so entirely, which always saddens me as I don't feel I can support them any longer even when the quality is otherwise good. Your quality is very often quite excellent, so I was beyond thrilled to see this option. Please do more like it! And again, on the quality of the text, just amazing. This is exactly the level of quality I have come to expect from you, really can't emphasize enough how much I look forward to further entries in this series!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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