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Macuahuitl: Whitebox Roleplaying in the Aztec Empire
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Macuahuitl: Whitebox Roleplaying in the Aztec Empire
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Macuahuitl: Whitebox Roleplaying in the Aztec Empire
Publisher: The Basic Expert
by Daniel [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/06/2024 14:29:22

I've looked and looked and is there no character sheet?

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Macuahuitl: Whitebox Roleplaying in the Aztec Empire
Publisher: The Basic Expert
by David [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/30/2024 09:49:56

The hardcover looks great and I am glad I got one! My initial impression was how much ground The Basic Expert covers in such a small book.

The book features delightful line drawings both in a more contemporary and ancient style. They lend a great feel to the book and compliment the written material in an appealing way.

Macuahuitl is seasoned throughout with cultural guidance that helps the reader understand the people and environment of the setting. There's even an appendix of history books to read if you would like more in depth coverage of real world history and culture related to the setting.

Looks like damn fun. See you in El Dorado!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Macuahuitl: Whitebox Roleplaying in the Aztec Empire
Publisher: The Basic Expert
by Brian [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/27/2024 21:13:48

I played this game last year, and had a great time. I played a "Nahualli" divine spellcaster along with a group that included Jaguar Warriors and Eagle Warriors. Having never played in this setting before, I really felt comfortable learning it in the game system presented. If you are familiar with Whitebox/0e D&D, you will pick this up quickly. I was really impressed with the attention to detail and thoroughness of explanation. The artwork is impressive and evokes a mood that gets your imagination accelerated. I thought it was wise to add a hex-grid map of the region. A map like this from the PDF version can be spread as a background map on a VTT, and you can then snap-to-hex grid for your overland VTT tokens. I would recommend it to the vast number of gamers who appreciate RPG’s that lean into a historical setting, but also include magic and mosters. Also remember that history is rated “R”. Fasten your seat belt.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Macuahuitl: Whitebox Roleplaying in the Aztec Empire
Publisher: The Basic Expert
by Benjamin [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/19/2023 22:10:46

Fantastic version of 0e for anyone who has an interest in Aztec history and mythology. The setting is detailed and well researched, and the game has been molded to work flawlessly with it. The art style is fitting and well done. Highly recommended.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Macuahuitl: Whitebox Roleplaying in the Aztec Empire
Publisher: The Basic Expert
by Zachery [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/19/2023 14:16:52

This game brings the authentic Aztec adventure experience. It includes fantasy elements, to the extent that they would have fit into the Aztec's understanding of the world (and drawn from Aztec mythology), which serves to further drive home the authenticity of the experience. It even includes actual hex maps of Mexico and rules for travel and adventure; so a referee only needs to read the book and lean into the adventure and wilderness tables to entertain your players for hours at a time.

The party's goals will be Aztec goals, which often includes taking captives and other such implications. The game does not lean into these themes any more than necessary (the goal is to adventure, not to enact terrible rituals at the game table), but these themes are all present within the book, in respect to how they fit into Aztec lore and culture. I think this is all handled very well, but as a result it may not be to everyone's taste.

I HIGHLY recommend this book to anyone interested in Aztec roleplaying, it has been a blast every time I've played it so far! Even without a group to play with, the brave reader may roll up a party of their own for some solo play; and besides that the book is a treat to read for the history lesson alone.

One of my favorite games of 2023, and it will definitely see more play in the coming year!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Macuahuitl: Whitebox Roleplaying in the Aztec Empire
Publisher: The Basic Expert
by Thiago [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/05/2023 08:20:19

Pretty fun and original game based on 0e rules. Everyone with interest in new ways of playing the original DnD, this is a game to get. It has a very cool artstyle as well. Very recommended. But buyers be aware, it has a lot of gruesome stuff, as all games should have. This game has a lot of heart(s), if you know what I mean

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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