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Traditions Gathered 2: Blood and Dreams
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Traditions Gathered 2: Blood and Dreams
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Traditions Gathered 2: Blood and Dreams
Publisher: White Wolf
by Shaun B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/02/2008 04:13:00

My only complaint with this title is that the bookmarks are all wrong. It looks like someone used a tool to autocreate bookmarks, and the fact that this book is actually a compilation of several smaller books confused the tool - but no-one bothered to check it. Half of the bookmarks are missing and the ones you do get are in the wrong order and apparently point to completely random pages. Other than that - the book appears to be fine, on a par with the other old World of Darkness PDFs and is a fairly good buy for $10.00. I would have scored it higher if the bookmarks were correct.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Traditions Gathered 2: Blood and Dreams
Publisher: White Wolf
by Justin B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/22/2007 03:11:44

Positive - good quality scan

Negative - Some severely demented and disturbing artwork, especially in the Verbena and Cult of Ecstasy segments. While I find the Mage: the Ascension game interesting for the innovative magic system (I own the 2nd edition core manual) and strong emphasis on character development over hack n' slash rpg action, many segments of description in this book fell under the "more than I need to know" category. I wish that I had bought the Dreamspeakers segment by itself and left the other two alone. I have since deleted this book off my hard drive. Honest enough?

[2 of 5 Stars!]
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