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Adventure College Student Handbook
Publisher: Fiona Shade Stories
by Jacob [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/28/2024 10:20:56

What a fantastic take on a modern magic academia setting! I find the danger a lot of modern 5th Edition-compatible settings face is instability and power imbalance, but you won't find that here. The mechanics feel solid and well-tested: even the smartphones. I'm looking forward to integrating a lot of what I picked up here into my future campaigns. I especially like the unique species designs: they're fun and original.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Adventure College Student Handbook
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Adventure College Student Handbook Sample
Publisher: Fiona Shade Stories
by Jacob D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/24/2023 00:09:11

Everything about this is hitting home for a modern fantasy setting. I love the parallels to modern technology created through the Crystal Tech described in the book! There's so much excellent roleplaying potential here: and the custom races are all so unique. I can't wait to see how things evolve.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Adventure College Student Handbook Sample
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SCP The Tabletop RPG (first edition)
Publisher: 26 Letter Publishing
by Jacob D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/17/2021 14:04:44

This is some gold right here. As someone who's looked into other systems before but has only ever really played D&D 5th Edition, I found the rules very easy to learn, despite the present learning curve. The character sheet itself does look rather intimidating at first glance, but the book takes you through character creation in a very simple, very clear step-by-step process that breaks things down nicely without being too long-winded. I'm excited to bring this to my players and start our first game; I've been a fan of the SCP Community for a long time, so this book was a must-buy. However, even if you're not a major fan of the Foundation or its stories, I would argue that this RPG definitely deserves a spot on your shelf. It's rules system is fun, new, and engaging, and the ability for constant character evolution makes downtime something to look forward to.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
SCP The Tabletop RPG (first edition)
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