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Country Meat-Grinder Classics: "The Hellson Horror"
Publisher: Savage AfterWorld
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/08/2023 15:23:37

Country Meat-Grinder Classics: "The Hellson Horror" is a fun 17 page adventure for Dungeon Crawl Classics. I noticed that the setting was 1939 U.S.A, so I used Amazing Adventures (242 pages, Troll Lord Games). To solo this, I used Bing AI-powered copilot (it helped generate keywords and ideas). I used the characters that had finished the adventure that was included in the rulebook. So, I dusted off my first level characters from August 6, 2020 and got started.

So, in West Virginia the PCs heard about some strange beasts out in the country. They arrived at a general store and asked a lot of questions. They were getting ready to check for physical clues when their horse outside got upset. It was being attacked by four devil-sows. The PCs killed them, but Mack and Malley went down. They were given first aid and left in the store to recover. The PCs bought some supplies with cash, asked the clerk to summon the sheriff, and then followed the physical clues outside. In the middle of a sorghum field (you can’t get more country than this, well maybe grits) they were attacked by another devil-sow. The PC Steve went down, but the sow was killed. One minute later another one showed up and they killed it too. At this point, Marie healed Steve for five points. They continued on the trail and saw one of the Hellson troublemakers up ahead. A PC uses a rifle but misses him. Their target blows a whistle and disappears in a building. The PCs wait for a target to appear and time passes.

Next, the PCs are hit with a sleep spell. Two PCs fall asleep, and the other three drag them into the heavy brush. They try several methods to wake their friends up. They hear the sheriff announcing his presence. Buck and Marie wake up. The sheriff is now asleep. The PCs now see Mamaw, Jeb, and Henry, and the battle starts. The three Hellsons are killed but Marie goes down. They drag her around for the rest of the adventure. At the abattoir, they kill Pete and rescue Vinny. In the barn they find Jolene and Beau. Buck the Gadgeteer uses his electro-sword. It malfunctions, sparks fly, and the barn starts to catch on fire. The PCs kill the two Hellsons. The PCs yell down to the level below to see if there are any humans down there. No response. So, they let the barn burn. They can hear the screams of some critters (monsters?) down there.

Next they explore the house which is dirty and has no enemies or clues. They consider waking up the sheriff. There is a discussion and it is decided that they do not want to answer questions. So, they exit the area by a different route. They do discover a mine but they do not explore it. The last scene is of a barn cat sleeping on the sheriff.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Country Meat-Grinder Classics: "The Hellson Horror"
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Reavers and Rogues
Publisher: Dungeon Age Adventures
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/04/2023 07:27:30

Reavers and Rogues (25 pages) is a fun 2d6, Powered by the Apocalypse, solo RPG. It can be played in a session of 30 to 60 minutes. I created one character with a hunting/fishing background. She was armed with chipped knives, had been cursed (this will bite her in the butt), had sleep as a vice, and a fear of going hungry. The adventure started with Kal in a tavern. This is where she picked up the rumor of the Jade Toad (object). She searched for something to help her and she found spices (a type of food). She started off in the proper direction and encountered a dump of rusty (sharp) objects. She convinced an air elemental to carry her across it. She did find a scrap of armor and a bone shirt. Next, she encountered a bloody thief (it was not his blood). He took her bone shirt. The next hazard was a waterfall path that led up. Again, she convinced an air elemental to carry her past the danger.

When she found the Dark Tower, she went down into the cellar. Here she discovered the black widow maiden. A ghost helped her evade it and the ghost whispered a secret in her ear. Not long after this she found the Boss (vicious widowed princess with a sword). It was a fight to the death and Kal won. However, she lost her left hand. She did find the Jade Toad. She headed back in the direction of home and ran into a nasty monsoon. It took her three months to get home. So, she did make it home and now she is considering selling this item. It would enable her to not work for several years. She is tempted.

Will you survive your first attempt at the Dark Tower?

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Reavers and Rogues
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Heroes & Heels Core Rulebook
Publisher: Cheeze-Puff Productions
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/01/2023 17:24:07

During the last few days I have soloed my way through a fun adventure The Unusual Suspects (26 pages, free/pay what you want at DriveThruRPG). It is interesting that when you solo it you have no idea who the villain is until later in the adventure. This adventure is designed for SE:20 Roleplaying System, but I used Heroes & Heels (134 pages). This game is a 5e compatible role playing game set in a generic super-heroic setting. To play it, you will need the Fifth Edition D&D Player’s Handbook. To solo it, I used the Solo Investigator’s Handbook (Bimler). I created five first level characters. Their hit points were in the range of 11 to 13.

The first scene started with the PCs receiving their mission. Next, they drove to Chicago. Their first lead took them to a homeless shelter (building) where they talked to Rebecca. This led them to a nightclub that evening called The Den. Here they discovered that one of the vampires there had had a fling with Rebecca. They set up a meeting for the next day (mid-morning) and tried to get some sleep at the Hilton Garden Inn. There was an anti-robot mob commotion, but the PCs let the police handle it.

On the second day they went and had a chat with the Cook County Medical Examiner. He had examined the three bodies which had started this entire investigation. The three bodies attacked the PCs. The PCs killed the zombies and examined the clues: hex bags and missing blood (from the bodies). Because they were wounded, the PCs rested and received medical/mechanical treatments. At 8 P.M. they met with a woman who has the skill psychometry. They were informed of the address of a witch’s ritual and instructions to visit the sister of this psychic.

On the third day they met with the sister and purchased a Technomage’s Databanks. This device will allow a character to hack any computer, device, or network with ease. She seemed to be in a big hurry to get rid of it. Next, in the evening, they arrived at the witch’s site, and old house. The PC Hap, a flying robot, scouted out the yard, saw the aggressive Doberman Pinscher, and killed it. As the rest of the PCs tried to unlock the front door, he flew up to the second floor window and went into the master bedroom. He triggered a teleport trap and found himself in New Orleans. Below, the PCs gave up on the front door and went in through a window. The PC Brother of Chains killed the second aggressive dog inside the house. The four PCs went upstairs and the two witches escaped through a secret passage. The healer (NPC), who was waiting outside in a locked car, watched the witches go into an even older house. He called the PCs who called for police backup (yes, they do have the authority). The police surrounded the house and the four PCs went in. They killed another three zombies and encountered the two witches. Each witch got hit with a bullet and they gave up. The witches were arrested and the two houses were searched. The PCs found the missing blood and other ritual components. They took a blood sample and poured the blood down a toilet. They took pictures and then destroyed the ritual components. They did find pictures of four more witches. The last scene was of Hap partying on Bourbon Street.

Give this RPG system a try!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Heroes & Heels Core Rulebook
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SE:20 Adventures: The Unusual Suspects
Publisher: Sundered Epoch: Generations
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/01/2023 17:22:18

During the last few days I have soloed my way through a fun adventure The Unusual Suspects (26 pages). It is interesting that when you solo it you have no idea who the villain is until later in the adventure. This adventure is designed for SE:20 Roleplaying System, but I used Heroes & Heels (134 pages). This game is a 5e compatible role playing game set in a generic super-heroic setting. To play it, you will need the Fifth Edition D&D Player’s Handbook. To solo it, I used the Solo Investigator’s Handbook (Paul Bimler). I created five first level characters. Their hit points were in the range of 11 to 13.

The first scene started with the PCs receiving their mission. Next, they drove to Chicago. Their first lead took them to a homeless shelter (building) where they talked to Rebecca. This led them to a nightclub that evening called The Den. Here they discovered that one of the vampires there had had a fling with Rebecca. They set up a meeting for the next day (mid-morning) and tried to get some sleep at the Hilton Garden Inn. There was an anti-robot mob commotion, but the PCs let the police handle it.

On the second day they went and had a chat with the Cook County Medical Examiner. He had examined the three bodies which had started this entire investigation. The three bodies attacked the PCs. The PCs killed the zombies and examined the clues: hex bags and missing blood (from the bodies). Because they were wounded, the PCs rested and received medical/mechanical treatments. At 8 P.M. they met with a woman who has the skill psychometry. They were informed of the address of a witch’s ritual and instructions to visit the sister of this psychic.

On the third day they met with the sister and purchased a Technomage’s Databanks. This device will allow a character to hack any computer, device, or network with ease. She seemed to be in a big hurry to get rid of it. Next, in the evening, they arrived at the witch’s site, and old house. The PC Hap, a flying robot, scouted out the yard, saw the aggressive Doberman Pinscher, and killed it. As the rest of the PCs tried to unlock the front door, he flew up to the second floor window and went into the master bedroom. He triggered a teleport trap and found himself in New Orleans. Below, the PCs gave up on the front door and went in through a window. The PC Brother of Chains killed the second aggressive dog inside the house. The four PCs went upstairs and the two witches escaped through a secret passage. The healer (NPC), who was waiting outside in a locked car, watched the witches go into an even older house. He called the PCs who called for police backup (yes, they do have the authority). The police surrounded the house and the four PCs went in. They killed another three zombies and encountered the two witches. Each witch got hit with a bullet and they gave up. The witches were arrested and the two houses were searched. The PCs found the missing blood and other ritual components. They took a blood sample and poured the blood down a toilet. They took pictures and then destroyed the ritual components. They did find pictures of four more witches. The last scene was of Hap partying on Bourbon Street.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
SE:20 Adventures: The Unusual Suspects
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Tower of the Mad Mage - Adventure
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/29/2023 13:16:53

For the past few days, I have soloed my way through Tower of the Mad Mage (16 pages). It is a fun Fifth Edition D&D adventure, but I used Hyperlanes (189 pages). It is a sci-fi system that uses the Fifth Edition mechanics and rule books (not the monster manual). I used the FlexTale Solo Adventuring Toolkit as the solo engine. I created a human engineer character and five robots (all Player Characters and each one unique). The adventure started when the engineer and his five robots were being transported down to a planet for a job. There was a transporter malfunction and they were sent to another multiverse.

The PCs found themselves in a gambling den. Skwelch the goblin barged in and asked for help. The PCs agreed to help because of the rumor of gold. The proprietor (a goblin hater) made them leave the establishment. Skwelch was still wounded, so they took him to a farm outside of town. The goblin was able to rest in the barn and the PCs were put to work on the farm (day two and three). Owen realized that the robots were too passive, so he reprogrammed them. On the fourth day they travelled and ran into the Constable (another goblin hater). He ran through the list of crimes committed and tried to arrest him. At this point, the specialist robot (medical), THX 1138 stabbed the Constable with a needle (paralyzation drug). This gave the robot a new name – Stab. The PCs dragged him off the road and into the bushes. Owen explained to the Constable that it was not nice to hate. Owen took his two swords and the PC robot Aly San San took the Constable’s boots. This gave her the new name Boots. The PCs continued their travels and ran into three boars. They were killed. Next, they discovered a naked man who would not speak. When they freed him of his predicament, he sniffed an animal trail and off he went.

On the fifth day, they entered the tower and were forced to fight three wolves. They were killed. Next they killed two goblins. The PCs were following the instructions of Skwelch. In the third room they killed a minor stained glass golem. In the fourth room they were sealed in with a specter. It brought Owen down to one hit point and then tried to possess him. The five robots fled the tower. Skwelch screamed at them to finish their job in the tower. They left him there at the tower. The robots went back to the farm. They had enjoyed doing the farm chores and spending time with the cats. They immediately went back to work on the farm. Will they ever see Owen again? Only time will tell.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Tower of the Mad Mage - Adventure
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A Quick Guide to Dungeon Building
Publisher: TLHP Games
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/23/2023 18:25:42

Bugbears and Borderlands (1$, 148 pages, at DriveThruRPG) is a fun RPG which is a mix of Basic D&D and Fifth Edition. For the adventure, I used A Quick Guide to Dungeon Building (free/pay what you want, same place). To create my solo engine, I added a chart to Witch and Knave. I created five characters. The PCs heard about an abandoned temple and travelled across a flat treeless region. They came to a lake and they could see the temple on an island. They did not see a boat, but Fizz the lizardman found one underwater. He took out all of the rocks and it floated to the surface. They used the boat and were soon at the abandoned temple.

The first room was an armory which had one axe. The second room had a floor made up of moving grates. Four of the PCs made it across, but Shroom, a shroomling, fell through it to the next level down. The other PCs jumped down to join him. This new room had a low ceiling. In the fifth room they found a long sword. In the sixth room – a +3 bow with arrows. In the eighth room they encountered three wolves. The two druids were not able to make friends with them (bad rolls of the dice). The PCs were forced to kill them, but the PC Minos the minotaur went down. He was healed one turn later. In the ninth and tenth room they encountered lizardfolk. Fizz had a chat with them.

The eleventh room was a trap. Acid squirted out of holes and Shroom took damage. The next room was The Room of Depression. The PCs weretiger and Tiefling had to drag the other three out of that room (ugly crying, how embarrassing). The last room was The Room of Confusion. Somehow, they all made their saving throws. They then went through a door which led to a passageway. It turned and went up. They were able to climb up because of the metal rungs. At the top they discovered that the lake water was being magically held in place. The moved through it and swam to the surface back to the boat. Soon they were back on their way looking for a good place to spend the night. Give this a try!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
A Quick Guide to Dungeon Building
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Bugbears And Borderlands
Publisher: Izegrim Creations
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/23/2023 18:25:15

Bugbears and Borderlands (1$, 148 pages) is a fun RPG which is a mix of Basic D&D and Fifth Edition. For the adventure, I used A Quick Guide to Dungeon Building (free/pay what you want at DriveThruRPG). To create my solo engine, I added a chart to Witch and Knave. I created five characters. The PCs heard about an abandoned temple and travelled across a flat treeless region. They came to a lake and they could see the temple on an island. They did not see a boat, but Fizz the lizardman found one underwater. He took out all of the rocks and it floated to the surface. They used the boat and were soon at the abandoned temple.

The first room was an armory which had one axe. The second room had a floor made up of moving grates. Four of the PCs made it across, but Shroom, a shroomling, fell through it to the next level down. The other PCs jumped down to join him. This new room had a low ceiling. In the fifth room they found a long sword. In the sixth room – a +3 bow with arrows. In the eighth room they encountered three wolves. The two druids were not able to make friends with them (bad rolls of the dice). The PCs were forced to kill them, but the PC Minos the minotaur went down. He was healed one turn later. In the ninth and tenth room they encountered lizardfolk. Fizz had a chat with them.

The eleventh room was a trap. Acid squirted out of holes and Shroom took damage. The next room was The Room of Depression. The PCs weretiger and Tiefling had to drag the other three out of that room (ugly crying, how embarrassing). The last room was The Room of Confusion. Somehow, they all made their saving throws. They then went through a door which led to a passageway. It turned and went up. They were able to climb up because of the metal rungs. At the top they discovered that the lake water was being magically held in place. The moved through it and swam to the surface back to the boat. Soon they were back on their way looking for a good place to spend the night. Give this a try!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Bugbears And Borderlands
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Opus Magi: Quick Start
Publisher: Ordo Arcanorum
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/20/2023 20:29:49

Opus Magi: Quick Start (60 pages) is a fun modern urban fantasy RPG. I did use the adventure that is included with it and the four pre-generated characters. To create my solo engine, I changed four lines in Conspiracy RPG. The adventure started with the four PCs performing as a band at a bar. After getting paid (not the full amount) Jewel is hit with a psychic attack. The PCs wanted answers and they are referred to another bar (The Pelican). They hired a taxi and arrived there. It was there that they received another lead which took them to Larissa’s place (an apartment).

At this location they are forced into combat with a wood golem. Jewel went into the kitchen, put Bacardi 151 (rum) in a pan, set it on fire, and attempted to dump it on the golem. Instead, she dumped it on herself and took fire damage. Larissa, who was damaged, managed to cast confuse on the golem and it wandered around in a circle in the living room which was now on fire. The wounded group left the building and Larissa’s level of the apartment was on fire. They went back to The Pelican to be healed, but Jewel was in bad shape and was left there to recover. She did call her sister Crystal. Crystal showed up in her car and took them to the next location: a gift shop. It was here that they received some “gifts” and information on the next location: an old mansion.

At this point, the PCs did buy a five gallon gas can (full) and 16 molotov cocktails. Next, they arrived at the old mansion. Terry and Jay went into werewolf mode. In the backyard the group ran into another wood golem. It was hit with a cocktail and freaked out. It wandered around in a circle until it died. The PCs entered the building from the back door. This put them in the kitchen and they destroyed the ritual objects that they found there. Upstairs they encountered the witch who had two hobgoblins with her. She cast a fireball and Terry took damage. The PCs charged the witch (large room). Crystal took a thrown knife to her back and she went down. Terry got hit with another fireball and went down. Jay hit the witch with his claws and she went down and one round later she was dead. At this point it was dawn. Their contacts informed them that the authorities are looking for them ( the PCs are now arson suspects). The five PCs leave town.

Give this a try!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Opus Magi: Quick Start
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Creator Reply:
Hi, Bob V. G., thank you very much for the review! I'm amazed at the way your PC's approached this scenario, and the consequences. But, I shouldn't be surprised. As many times as I've run Cepheus Engine games and Opus Magi, it never turns out the same way twice. Glad you guys had fun!
Witch & Knave
Publisher: Things I Keep
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/14/2023 17:34:51

Witch & Knave (110 pages) is a fun dark fantasy RPG. I created one Knave character. To create my solo engine, I changed five lines in the Dungeon Master’s Guide. The adventure started with Candy eating her bread on the outskirts of town. She went into the town hoping to recruit another party member (she has a high charisma). The town was unfriendly so she did not stay in the town for very long. Next, she travelled through the woods and had to fight a 160 pound lizard. She killed it and cooked the meat. She tried to barter with a farmer, but that did not work out. She camped in the woods that night.

On the second day she entered the dungeon. Her first encounter was an ochre jelly. She ran away from it. The next thing she encountered was an adventuring half-orc. She was able to convince him to join her. They did discover several things in the dungeon : a riddle speaking painting, a tiefling possessed by a demon (they killed it), a rope, a dungeon map, a dirty bucket (chamber pot), and poisonous gas (trap). They exited the dungeon, went back to the town, and spent the night at a flophouse. On the morning of the third day, a priest tried to convert the two PCs to his religion. Candy tried to enlist him as a new member of the adventuring party. These attempts failed. In the dungeon they found a copper bar ingot. When Candy touched it she was turned to stone (she failed her saving throw). The half-orc had seen enough and exited the dungeon.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Witch & Knave
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Cleaning Up The Cult
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/11/2023 20:14:00

Cleaning Up the Cult (14 pages at Dungeon Masters Guild) is a fun fantasy adventure for Fifth Edition which takes place along The Sword Coast. This adventure is for 15th level characters, but I transformed it to a level two adventure . To create my solo engine, I changed four lines in Hoard of the Dragon Queen. I used my six second level characters.

So, my characters wanted to do some sightseeing and pick up some souvenirs by following the path the heroes of the land took when they were hunting for dragons. They travelled by cart from Waterdeep. On the seventh day they did have to battle lizardfolk. On the evening of the 10th day, they reached the Carnath Roadhouse. On the 12th day they reached a settlement which used to be a lizardfolk village. At the beach they fought bullywugs. Next, they were in a boat when it was attacked by a crocodile. The druid Luna was knocked into the water. She changed into a fish and was able to escape the croc.

When they reached Castle Naerytar, they could see two human guards up above the gate. The PCs destroyed the gate and were then in combat with four guards. In the Outer Ward they had to deal with a giant lizard and a lizardfolk. In the Inner Ward they fought an Ambush Drake. They continued to explore and killed several dragonclaws. In the kitchen, they rescued ten commoners. They immediately took them back to the Roadhouse and sold the books they had found. They rested at the Roadhouse on the 13th day, but that evening six kobolds stole some chickens from the chicken coop. The PCs killed the kobolds. On the 14th day they continued to explore Naerytar. In the Great Hall they killed a Dragonwing and found the treasure room. They packed up the loot from this room and twelve expensive bottles of wine from the storage area. They headed back to the Roadhouse, sold their wine, and had a long party. Give this a try!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Cleaning Up The Cult
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SJ-DC-ARQ-01 Welcome to the Arquëon System
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/07/2023 17:50:24

For the last few days, I have soloed my way through a D&D Adventurers League adventure for Spelljammer – SJ-DC-ARQ-01 (29 pages, free at Dungeon Masters Guild). Instead of Fifth Edition, I used Just A Game – Playtest Packet (37 pages, free at DriveThruRPG). I created six first level characters. So, the adventure started with the PCs playing a VR online virtual game when suddenly they were all sucked into the game. Five of the PCs found themselves in a village inn and there they talked to Grannek the quest giver. They followed him to a wounded constable and healed him. Next, they followed the trail to an ancient chamber. Here they found a gray ooze (the other PC) and five magic stones. They used these stones to activate a magic circle. It teleported them to the top of a three story building.

Here they found two Xvarts. One was a warlock and one was an apprentice. They were trying to extract information from an autognome (spy) at the top edge of the building. The PCs killed the two Xvarts and found a red crystal and a green crystal. The autognome accompanied them and it was always giving them advice (sometimes the advice was obvious). On the third floor they explored four rooms and encountered the cook. Auto informed them that this was a bad guy and a werewolf. The PCs killed him using the crystals as weapons. On the second floor they explored six rooms and killed seven Xvarts. This floor also had the vault and Auto told them how to get into it. On the first floor they explored four rooms. One of these rooms was the drawbridge control room (there is an empty moat that surrounds the building). In the basement (dungeon) they found seven crew members from the squid ship that they had seen from the top of the building. They freed the crew and then exited the building. They had to kill three more Xvarts to get to the squid ship. It was now time to enjoy the feeling of flying through space. For treasure, they did find a total of 275 gold pieces, a Pearl of Power, a silver dagger, and a pistol with four bullets.

Give this fun adventure a try!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
SJ-DC-ARQ-01  Welcome to the Arquëon System
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Just a Game - Playtest Packet - PbtA Version 2
Publisher: Thrythlind Books and Games
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/07/2023 17:47:13

For the last few days, I have soloed my way through a D&D Adventurers League adventure for Spelljammer – SJ-DC-ARQ-01 (29 pages, free at Dungeon Masters Guild). Instead of Fifth Edition, I used Just A Game – Playtest Packet (37 pages, free at DriveThruRPG). I created six first level characters. So, the adventure started with the PCs playing a VR online virtual game when suddenly they were all sucked into the game. Five of the PCs found themselves in a village inn and there they talked to Grannek the quest giver. They followed him to a wounded constable and healed him. Next, they followed the trail to an ancient chamber. Here they found a gray ooze (the other PC) and five magic stones. They used these stones to activate a magic circle. It teleported them to the top of a three story building.

Here they found two Xvarts. One was a warlock and one was an apprentice. They were trying to extract information from an autognome (spy) at the top edge of the building. The PCs killed the two Xvarts and found a red crystal and a green crystal. The autognome accompanied them and it was always giving them advice (sometimes the advice was obvious). On the third floor they explored four rooms and encountered the cook. Auto informed them that this was a bad guy and a werewolf. The PCs killed him using the crystals as weapons. On the second floor they explored six rooms and killed seven Xvarts. This floor also had the vault and Auto told them how to get into it. On the first floor they explored four rooms. One of these rooms was the drawbridge control room (there is an empty moat that surrounds the building). In the basement (dungeon) they found seven crew members from the squid ship that they had seen from the top of the building. They freed the crew and then exited the building. They had to kill three more Xvarts to get to the squid ship. It was now time to enjoy the feeling of flying through space. For treasure, they did find a total of 275 gold pieces, a Pearl of Power, a silver dagger, and a pistol with four bullets.

Note – This Playtest is not 100% complete. So, I would not recommend it for beginners. It uses the Powered by the Apocalypse game system. This RPG has great potential and it is loaded with great ideas.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Just a Game - Playtest Packet - PbtA Version 2
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DDAL05-02 The Black Road (5e)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/03/2023 00:10:28

Recently, I soloed my way through Adventurers League The Black Road (44 pages, for D&D Fifth Edition, PC levels 1 to 4). The RPG system that I used to play it was ACRHACK (3 pages, FREE/PAY WHAT YOU WANT at DriveThruRPG).

ACRHACK is a hack of D&D Fifth Edition. I used the Mythic Game Master Emulator as the solo engine and I did refer to the Players Handbook a few times. I started it with seven level one PCs. They picked up their quest in a large tent. They were to be guards for a caravan going through the desert. The first caravan encounter was with goblins who did surprise the PCs. Six of the seven PCs were wounded. The goblins were killed along with a wagon driver. The wizard PC was promoted to wagon driver. His wagon contained the statue which needed to get to Parnast. Next was the sandstorm which killed two drivers. The two camels pulling the wizard’s wagon freaked out and they charged off into the desert pulling the wagon with them. This wagon was then separated from the rest of the caravan. Time passed for the wizard. He got sleepy and fell asleep.

The rest of the caravan encountered a wall with a toll. The PCs made sure that Azam the NPC paid for it. Later they encountered a blood hawk that was carrying a message. The ranger wounded it, but it flew off with the message (the message was not for them). The ranger also scared off a sneaky goblin which was following them. The PCs also had to deal with a trap. They made their saving throws, but they still took damage. They did kill the two bugbears who were responsible. So, the six PCs reached the temple destination at Parnast. Lena the fighter (see the attached image – the artist is Daniel Dociu) was at 25% health and the cleric was at 15% health. The PCs were about to deliver the bad news that the statue was lost in the sandstorm. However, an excited priest from down the street started shouting. The wizard appears, asleep in his wagon. It is being pulled by a giant scarab beetle. The wizard wakes up, the statue is unloaded, the beetle is freed from the wagon, and the giant beetle heads back into the dessert. Quest complete! Gold pieces are collected. Give this fun adventure a try!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL05-02 The Black Road (5e)
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Acrhack - a light SRD 5e hack
Publisher: Doppelgänger Publishing
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/03/2023 00:09:04

Recently, I soloed my way through Adventurers League The Black Road (44 pages, for D&D Fifth Edition, PC levels 1 to 4). The RPG system that I used to play it was ACRHACK (3 pages, FREE/PAY WHAT YOU WANT at DriveThruRPG).

ACRHACK is a hack of D&D Fifth Edition. I used the Mythic Game Master Emulator as the solo engine and I did refer to the Players Handbook a few times. I started it with seven level one PCs. They picked up their quest in a large tent. They were to be guards for a caravan going through the desert. The first caravan encounter was with goblins who did surprise the PCs. Six of the seven PCs were wounded. The goblins were killed along with a wagon driver. The wizard PC was promoted to wagon driver. His wagon contained the statue which needed to get to Parnast. Next was the sandstorm which killed two drivers. The two camels pulling the wizard’s wagon freaked out and they charged off into the desert pulling the wagon with them. This wagon was then separated from the rest of the caravan. Time passed for the wizard. He got sleepy and fell asleep.

The rest of the caravan encountered a wall with a toll. The PCs made sure that Azam the NPC paid for it. Later they encountered a blood hawk that was carrying a message. The ranger wounded it, but it flew off with the message (the message was not for them). The ranger also scared off a sneaky goblin which was following them. The PCs also had to deal with a trap. They made their saving throws, but they still took damage. They did kill the two bugbears who were responsible. So, the six PCs reached the temple destination at Parnast. Lena the fighter (see the attached image – the artist is Daniel Dociu) was at 25% health and the cleric was at 15% health. The PCs were about to deliver the bad news that the statue was lost in the sandstorm. However, an excited priest from down the street started shouting. The wizard appears, asleep in his wagon. It is being pulled by a giant scarab beetle. The wizard wakes up, the statue is unloaded, the beetle is freed from the wagon, and the giant beetle heads back into the dessert. Quest complete! Gold pieces are collected. Give this RPG a try!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Acrhack - a light SRD 5e hack
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The Chamber of Red Fang
Publisher: Sunday Night Publications
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/01/2023 12:12:27

In May 2021, I soloed my way through The Chamber of Red Fang, a fun Index Card RPG fantasy adventure (free at DriveThruRPG). The RPG system I used was Tales of the Magical West. I am using the Solo Adventurer’s Toolbox as the solo engine. – So, the adventuring party is trying to escape from the country where they are now outlaws (they used unregistered magic and stole horses). They are intercepted by two bounty hunters. The bounty hunters are killed and looted. They continue their travels and the road turns into a trail (new country). This trail eventually comes to an ancient home of the dwarves. They explore it and discover a series of rooms down beneath the ruins. A Plague Willow comes to life, but Melissa heals it with a healing spell ( a cost of 11 points of mana with a critical success). They make some saving throws to get past the sigil, find a secret passage, and run into three darklings. Soon after defeating them, the characters run into the Big Bad. Dan becomes charmed and attacks Blade. Blade goes down (hit points at minus one) and the Big Bad is killed. Healing spells are cast and a cursed magic sword is found. It needs to be destroyed, but how? - -This free adventure is 11 pages long, has one map, 4 stat blocks, and four rooms. I used The Solo Adventurer's Toolbox (Bimler) to make the dungeon bigger.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Chamber of Red Fang
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