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The Sine Nomine Guide to Kickstarter Management $0.00
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The Sine Nomine Guide to Kickstarter Management
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The Sine Nomine Guide to Kickstarter Management
Publisher: Sine Nomine Publishing
by Stijn [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/27/2024 03:25:52

The hobby would be in a better place if more designers read this guide, Way too much bs going on across OSR kickstarters still. At least we got a handful of people like Kevin who are amazing about running their campaigns and never disappoint.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Sine Nomine Guide to Kickstarter Management
Publisher: Sine Nomine Publishing
by AJ [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/10/2024 23:00:41

Pragmatic, brief, and holistic, this guide grants actionable advice and realistic measures to figure out not just how to set up and execute a Kickstarter campaign, but also when (i.e. what conditions are required for success).

As a fan of Mr. Crawford's work, this wonderfully condensed guide was an engaging glimpse behind to curtain to see the many considerations that have contributed to his record of success.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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