Ironically, a couple months ago I was kicking around ideas for running a campaign in a northern setting that mashed up Alaskan and Scandinavian lore with fantasy elements. Then, I saw reviews for this online and ordered it right away. I must say it's quite unlike anything else I've seen. The setting is developed in great detail, almost too much, with a rich history and backstory. There are gods, cults, and factions aplenty. The influence of classic pulp fantasy is strong, but it's also infused with generous references to 80s pop culture and fantasy.
The beginning adventure is a bit railroady and is probably the weakest part of the whole package, but it does allow the DM and players to get invested in the setting. From there it assumes more of a sandbox character. The subsequent chapters are full of adventure hooks of all types and power levels, meaning that, in true old school fashion, the characters can easily find themselves overmatched and end up dead. There's still a ton of lore to absorb here, but one can see that over time this will start reinforcing itself and adding depth to the world, building towards the megadungeon climax promised in the the upcoming third volume of this set.
All told, there are tons of interesting locations, NPCs, magic items, and new monsters here. The backstory is a bit convoluted and difficult to follow, but if run over a significant length of time, I think the pieces will fall into place and make for a very rewarding campaign. The level of detail is amazing and the setting itself really shines, becoming a character in itself. As importantly, this is designed for Old School Essentials Advanced and the writing is such that it makes full use of those rules and demonstrates how that game can shine in a long-term campaign. So if you're interested in investing in a campaign setting that is both unique and not over the top gonzo, but incorporates elements not found in your bog-standard European-derived fantasy, by all means check this out. You won't be disappointed if you're willing to put in the effort. I for one, cannot wait for the two follow-up volumes.