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The Ruin in the Savage Wastes
Publisher: Black Gambeson
by Ben [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/05/2024 23:59:18

I really liked this adventure and will use it as my first Shadowdark adventure. It provides enough information and detail for me to convey to the players and is a little different than other 'you start in a tavern'. You do start in a tavern but has western feel to it, sandy, gritty and depressing. Conjures images of the Magnificant Seven and those plethora of spaghetti westerns. Then I get the vibes of a post apocalyptic wasteland during the overland journey, straight out of the Hills have Eyes. The delving into the dungeon like going into the hideout of Chainsaw Massacre / CHUD's. And if the players are successful there is a little twist at the end. Looking forward to running this. When you do the follow up adventure I will be downloading it.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Ruin in the Savage Wastes
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