Great Earthdawn sourcebook, one of the best. Very highly recomended!!!!!
WOW is what I can say....the perfect companion to the Kratas city book....the adventures are great and deadly too.
The last one is going to be a kill fest, and btw, its adepts you fight not creatures but interwoven in a great plot. Lots of wonders and horror.
The greatest. Red Brick has done good with Earthdawn.
Great COC sourcebook. I'd consider this an alternate history setting from your regular COC or DG sessesions.
However I do enjoy Charles Stross's book. Very nice....
Excellent sourcebook on the Chinese army, and I am impressed. Great stuff, missed some, some correction but otherwise excellent.
Love this sourcebook one of the best Shadowrun sourcebooks ever!!!!
Probably the best setting of the Wild Talents bunch. Great stuff. and production values all around.
Great underrated game, great setting, though can get stretched at times, especially the vehicle specs(some of which made me laugh), great game all around(almost).
Excellent sourcebook on Vampire great stuff one of the best
Excellent setting potential, reminds me of Transmetropolitan superhero, great stuff.
Great sourcebook for a great game. Very impressed, gives secrets on all the Hunter Groups. Very impressed.
Great RPG , excellent production values all around, great setting etc. Big bang for the buck.
WOW, I love this sourcebook, well done and thought out with Excellent graphics to boot, top notch production values, all around, great writing etc.
Very excellent production values, wow is what I can say, the setting is also excellent though could have been better(its already epic.). Great stuff.
OK sourcebook on different styles of play for NWOD, also gives info on playing different alternate realities.
Good sourcebook on Eclipse phase NPCs. Great layout and production values. Also well thought out characters.