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Memento Mori - Quickstart Guide
Publisher: Two Little Mice
by Raúl [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/05/2024 19:29:37

This game looks amazing and I feel quite lucky the people of Two Little Mice has decided to publish it outside Italy. The crowdfounding campaign is planned to launch at late-January on Backerkit and I wouldn't miss it if I were you: The setting feels like a cocktail between Kult: Divinity Lost and Aquelarre (this one, for those not familiarized with it, it's an spanish game set in Dark Ages where the myths and folklore creatures are real). Memento Mori describes a hidden reality where all kind of dark creatures and powers inhabit, only accessible by those corrupted by the Black Plague and cursed with The Mark. Such sickness gives you a tainted power that, sooner than later, will consumpt your body and your very Soul. Will you be able to fulfill your Dream before it's too late? Remember you will die...

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Memento Mori - Quickstart Guide
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Outgunned - Action Flicks
Publisher: Two Little Mice
by Raúl [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/12/2023 07:11:10

The perfect complement for a (IMHO) perfect game! Action Flicks provides alterrnative rules and settings for Outgunned, so you can recreate epic Hollywood action movie settings not covered by the corebook.

Still unsure about it? Want some examples?

  • Star Raiders: sci-fi (Star Wars, Firefly, The Fifth Element...)
  • Cloak & Dagger: self-explanatory (Pirates of the Caribbean, The Three Musketeers, The Princess Bride...).
  • Great Powers: low-level powers (Batman, Spider-man, Luke Cage, Daredevil...).
  • Weirder Things: teens, sci-fi and horror (Stranger Things, Super 8, The Goonies...).
  • Killing Aliens: do I really need to explain this one? (Alien, Predator, Critters...).
  • And many more!!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Outgunned - Action Flicks
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Publisher: Two Little Mice
by Raúl [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/24/2023 07:29:05

This game is absolutely amazing. Backed it up its Kickstarter campaign and couldn't be happier. Not only its system is fast, agile and easy to learn but also captures perfectly the Hollywood action movies spirit. Furthermore, the art of Daniela is gorgeous. What else can you ask for to a TTRPG?

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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Outgunned - Quickstart
Publisher: Two Little Mice
by Raúl C. L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/18/2023 06:41:10

I fell in love with this game as soon as I knew about it on Kickstarter:

Outgunned Kickstarter campaign

Outgunned is a fast-paced TTRPG that tries to recreate the mechanics of the action movies in our tables. And it does it very successfully IMHO, if I can say.

The Quickstart Guide not only gives us a glimpse of the rules, so we can have an idea of what we can expect to find in the main corebook.(once it is published), but also includes a ready to play One-Shot so we can test them (and taste them) in our tables.

At the moment of writing these lines, the "One Hero Army" Stretch Goal has been unlocked, which will allow to enjoy Outgunned with just 2 persons (a player + the GM), so we can emulate the classic one-hero movie "is all that stands between the bad guys and the world". You know what I mean: John McClain in Die Hard, Jack Bauer in 24 or John Wick in... well, John Wick movie are very good examples. I am sure you know someone who would be very happy to play Outgunned. Well, you don't need a big party anymore to enjoy this game!!

As you would have deducted by now, I have gone all-in with the Kickstarter campaign. 200.000$ and increasing, A LOT of stretch goals unlocked (which means a lot of extra items and content) and a much more surprises yet to come (or so that claim the creators). I can't recommend you to do the same thing as me but I can recommend you, at least, to take a look at such successful Kickstarter campaign. You have the link at the beginning of this review. What could possibly go wrong with that?

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Outgunned - Quickstart
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