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Publisher: Two Little Mice
by Renate [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/14/2023 00:00:11

Two Little Mice always pour so much love and attention into their products, and Outgunned is no exception. The system works so well for quick punchy action and adventure! Your players will love creating their characters using the roles and tropes, and the fun definitely won't stop there. Once you get the hang of the system (and this doesn't take long), GMing it is very intuitive. I'm not great at improvisation, but something about the genre and certainly the good game design makes Outgunned very conducive to flying along with the action! Embrace the cheesy action movie one-liners and I guarantee your whole table will have an absolute blast.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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Publisher: Two Little Mice
by Renate [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/13/2023 23:37:22

Household is awesome! The artwork is stunning, the writing is wonderfully engaging and very well translated from Italian, and it is simply fun! I adore the setting, which supports quite a few different types of stories with ease. You can certainly take a very whimsical approach of course, or dive deep into the political tensions of the Household and play a darker game. Or if mystery and magic is more your thing, you could explore the various contracts with enigmatic Forces. In any case, the system is a lot of fun, and easy to learn! There's something about finding matches on the dice rolls that is just joyful :)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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