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T2000 v1 Howling Wilderness
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T2000 v1 Howling Wilderness
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T2000 v1 Howling Wilderness
Publisher: Mongoose
by A customer [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/28/2018 03:25:00

A basic guide to the USA (NOT Canada) after the Thanksgiving Day nuclear strikes. This supplement corrects some previously published details in the order of battle of the various surviving T2000 military units, gives a basic overview of the resulting political situation between competing groups such as Civ Gov, MilGov and New America and repeats the information on the location of the nuclear targets from the basic T2000 handbook (with the cop-out that "not all minor targets are listed"). The political info is interesting and useful and easily adapted to any particular campaign, be it T2000, Merc Dark Conspiracy or wharever. The weakness is that the history has been adapted to fit the all later add-ons and adventures for T2000 - for example the guide refers, without explanation, to the "kidnapping" of the Leader of New America, which leads to the collapse of that particular major group, except, since I don't seem to have that particular add-on, rather buggers up the presented time-line. Not a major flaw, just irritating. Worth getting, all the same, whatever version of the game you are playing, wherever set, for answering those irritating questions players ask about the old home town or how Chelsea Clinton came to be president of the United States.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
T2000 v1 Howling Wilderness
Publisher: Mongoose
by Simon S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/27/2010 02:52:49

A general overview of the US. Bits of information without going into detail. Worth getting if you ever intend to head back to the US, other wise not that much use.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
T2000 v1 Howling Wilderness
Publisher: Mongoose
by Ian B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/10/2008 06:43:57

An absolutely necessary supplement for the original T2K crowd. Want to really know what happened in the (no longer) United States? Howling Wilderness is the answer. Just enough to whet the appetite of a gamemaster/referee but not enough to box in the creativity for adventure.

Liked: Regional Descriptions complete with military force laydown.

Disliked: Encounter Charts seem too phony and generic.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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