I cannot recommend this book enough. It exceeded my expectations. Each of the Traditions have been updated to reflect 2023 conditions, and they make them feel more accessible to a newer player such as myself. Even better, they do it without ignoring or rewriting the past. Instead the make logical descriptions of how each Tradition has been forced to take a look at itself, and decide how it wants to organize and move forward in the modern day. This works best if the Avatar Storm is considered canon at your table, but isn’t necessary. I enjoyed all of the Tradition updates, including those Traditions I generally ignore. In my opinion this is the first time the Cult of Ecstasy/Sahajiya received a decent, in depth, USABLE description. I especially loved the Virtual Adepts, as the description of the Mercurial Elites sounds like a group I would identify with and would want to be a part of if I Awakened in real life. This is an absolute must buy for M20 players and storytellers. I’d even say it’s a great product if you are using Revised rules but want an update for your lore.