This adds amazing detail to your encounters to really help immerse you in the story, and it does with very little extra effort. If you love entity and want to dive into it even more, highly recommend this expansion.
Wow! This game is amazing! It sits somewhere between a journaling game (which I can’t stand) and procedurally generated RPG lite. It is story telling but with a tad resource management. Upgrading your suit and deciding what structures to build is a lot of fun. The fact that any structure you build remains if you die, so the next AI has it a little easier than the first, is very thematic and a neat way to keep the feeling of progression. I am buying the expansion for this because I love the idea of adding more flair to the encounters and then adding my own. I can see this being a perfect base for a no man’s sky hack. Gather resources, fix your ship, fly to another planet, etc. This is pure genius!
Creator Reply: |
Thank you Sir very much. Well maybe a little spoiler but, the lore of entity ends with that, fixing your ship and flying to explore the galaxy. Sorry for spoilers but i will bublish probably the expansion to generate planets sometime this week, early November. So you will get spoiled no matter what. |
Adds a great amount of content for the price! If you want some more combat focused content, this is well worth it. The weapons types really adds nice flair to the weapons
This is an outstanding, fun, streamlined RPG lite sci-fi crawler. It’s really cool you are not just scavenging for random bits, but for specific components your specialties need to unlock new abilities. The game gets you into the action and helps the world around you as you go. Character creation is fast and the unique abilities of each give the crew some purpose. Plus, if a crew gets to retirement, the bonus they give is a unique aspect that rewards you for smart play.
And it’s one of the best solo RPGs out there. I am sure it would be fun multiplayer but it’s so easy to play solo.
Combat is a slog and the 1s canceling hits along with enemies getting armor and auto canceling hits means good luck killing anything and living. I am trying to figure out how people play tested it and enjoyed it. Just dying isn’t fun. And the battle board doesn’t leave any strategic decisions like using cover etc to try and not get hit.
The game exploration was fun, it’s a better take on 4AD and D100 Dungeon but combat needs work for an enjoyable game. At least some special starter enemies to allow the player some satisfaction.
While I am disappointed with combat as it is a big focus, I am happy there are some great ideas in the game.
Creator Reply: |
I'm sorry if you're finding combat frustrating. I hope you didn't forget the fact that 6s rolled are always a success and on top of that you can re-roll them, so they more than make up for the fact that 1s cancel successes. The game was playtested by several people and the majority managed to finish their missions successfully. Of course, a handful of people can't really account for the immense variety that a fully randomly generated game like this one can produce, so there's always going to be some unbalance. I'm a single developer and don't have the resources to playtest a game in the scale larger companies do. I'm glad you at least liked the exploration, maybe you can use it in some other of your games. |
By far the most immersive sports table top game out there.
For background, I don’t like boxing and haven’t watched it since Mike Tyson was still legit. But this game is more than boxing. The matches are quick and the boxers are boiled down to a single number but it works. The story and world this game builds is fantastic. Play as a boxer, play as a manger, play as a club! Play as few or as many weight classes as you want. Every fight adds to the world as ratings always change even for the NPC boxers.
Your own little boxing world in minutes.
Mainly fluff and nothing new or inovative.
Also, if you havent seen his new 2d20 book, he puts down solo gamers using AI. "Just play video games." Us OG solo gamers have been battling the solo stigma for a while and now one of our looks down on us because we decided to embrace technology.
If you embrace solo gaming and support others playing solo however makes them happy. Dont buy this guys books.
The only way to play solo to him is playing his way.
These line of solo books are really pretty useless. Lots of fluff, basicslly use your imagination and ask an oracle.
If you read the into to his new 2d20 book, he basicslly dismisses any solo gaming that uses AI. He is very condescending towards those solo gamers that do use AI.
Solo gamers have had to fight the solo gaming stigma for years, the whole "just play video games" and now we have someone in our community saying "just play video games" becaue he doesnt like the way you play solo.
If your a solo gamer, just pass on this guy and support someone that is supportive of all solo gaming.
Simple rules packed wirh lots of action! solitaire focused so it tells a great story as your campaign plays out. one of the easiest mech games to get to the table and to keep getting it to the table over and over again. Ivan keeps updating it as well so it will only get even better.
Squad Hammer is amazing for two huge reasons. One, it is a great lighter slirmish game that is great for gerting any minis to the table quick. Squads, monters, tanks, mechs, indivdual heroes... all here. Mix and Match at will without worry of imbalance. The combat system is quick but still favors tactical smarts, weapons, and gear over standing in the open going rambo. Second, it is an amazing foundation to create ANY setting, any unit, only limited by your imagination. A great little gem from NWG.
This is a great skirmish game with some very unique mechanics. It takes a bit to get used to the layout of the rulebook but it is well worth it. Stealth isnt just a roll or a simple concept, but an integral part of the game. Some of the fanstay stuff is a bit odd for the theme, and I would have prefer a little more traditional with the fantasy as extra, but overall, this is easily one of the best solo skirmish game on the market. It slims down the 5 parsecs RPG aspect while still creatimg an amazing narrarive and campaign. Easily 5 stars.
This a great quick, quirky, and deadly skirmish game that captures the Mork Borg RPG perfectly. The insanity and beauty the horror of MB, played out with any mini, including those crazy kit bashed minis. If you want something quick, not serious or rules heavy, This is perfect. Learn the rules in minatues and start dying shortly after. Not familar with Mork Borg or don't any any MB material? No problem! This is self contained and no knowledge of MB is needed. But I warn you, after playing just one time, you will be grabbing Mork Borg material for expansion and bonus content. Great job! Great game!
This is a fantastic squad based skirmish rule set that allows for the inclusion of individual "hero" units as well. a great blend of individualism and squad. Squads can be highly customized or stock from the book. There is a lot of freedom to make this game specifically for you or get going quick with stock stats from the book. Clash also lets you use modern military minis all the way to sci-fi and aliens. It really covers a lot of ground and does it well. The activation is great at keeping everyone involved and there is still potential for units not to activate depending on opposed activation rolls being tied (which is the perfect opportunity to let the enviroment to do something... move aliens, zombies, throw a curveball etc.).
This really is a perfect hybrid of wanting a band of individuals and having individuals lead an attack with squads (think jedi leading clones in the clone war era).
I highly recoomned this title for anyone looking for this style of skirmish game.
This is an absolutely amazing sandbox skirmish game. It plays amazing solo and co-op and I can finally play a Star Wars in the style I want to play. You can use about any mini so this ruleset will cover star wars, generic sci-fi, modern and futuristic military operations. Throw in the Nemesis rules from the Nemesis expansion and you can create an amazing solo campaign. Endless possiblities and super fun to play.
The hero creation really lets you design your custom team to your style. The mechanism to generate bonus actions that can be used by any hero really gives this game more feeling of team coordination compared to any skirmish game i have played.
5 stars! I cant wait to see where this system goes and what is to come!
This really isnt an adventurimg Quickstart, just a random dungeon generator. The Title should probably be changed to reflect this. I was expecting all aspects of adventuring, not just dungeons. Dungeons are some of the easiest aspects to solo. If your looking to mindless walk around a dungeoon hacking and slashing, this book is for you. If you're looking for a real solo adventure, probably want to pass.
While the contnet seems good, Probably overkill for a dungeon generator, my rating reflects the title name or subtitles not accurately reflecting the books contnet.
Creator Reply: |
Hi Anthony--I double-checked, just to make sure I didn't inadvertently leave major chunks of content out: of the 26 massive tables in the QuickStart, only 4 are strictly dungeon-related. The rest allow you to dynamically and instantly generate a wealth of adventure content well beyond just dungeons.
Story-wise, you're absolutely right that the QuickStart doesn't focus on that... but stay tuned, the full Solo Toolkit, weighing in at over 500 pages, is nearly complete! :) |