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ENTITY $9.99 $4.99
Average Rating:4.7 / 5
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Publisher: Candlenaut
by Anthony [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/03/2024 00:31:23

Wow! This game is amazing! It sits somewhere between a journaling game (which I can’t stand) and procedurally generated RPG lite. It is story telling but with a tad resource management. Upgrading your suit and deciding what structures to build is a lot of fun. The fact that any structure you build remains if you die, so the next AI has it a little easier than the first, is very thematic and a neat way to keep the feeling of progression. I am buying the expansion for this because I love the idea of adding more flair to the encounters and then adding my own. I can see this being a perfect base for a no man’s sky hack. Gather resources, fix your ship, fly to another planet, etc. This is pure genius!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thank you Sir very much. Well maybe a little spoiler but, the lore of entity ends with that, fixing your ship and flying to explore the galaxy. Sorry for spoilers but i will bublish probably the expansion to generate planets sometime this week, early November. So you will get spoiled no matter what.
Publisher: Candlenaut
by Владимир [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/24/2024 11:20:15

Great game) I translate this game to russian, but i dont find author's email. If you would like to see my translate or you have an another question - send me email, please -

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Publisher: Candlenaut
by A customer [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/02/2024 13:48:23

Entity deserves 5 stars. It is a great solo game for that feeling of exploring an alien planet and trying to survive, where things may not make sense. The tables would probably be useful for Starforged and other scifi solo games as well.

I completed a review and bit of narrative fiction based on my solo Entity game and posted it here:

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Publisher: Candlenaut
by Marcin [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/29/2024 13:38:40

5 stars. I'm not a fan of sci fi, but I've recently been taken by a hunger for it. And here's the problem. Because I didn't want combat, cyber punk, post apo, too much resource management, something in space and exploring planets, some ancient civilisations we don't know and don't know why they went extinct, something like in the Larry Niven novel Ringworld.... Big demands... I know. And also not to be boring. I tried Alone Among A Stars, but sorry. Too boring. And I wanted something relatively simple. To play straight away. And not to have a 300 page manual filled with spaceship armour stats. And I guess google doesn't just eavesdrop on our conversations with our phones, it probably also eavesdrops on our thoughts, because a video about Entity popped up on YT. I checked it out, it just happened to be on promotion for five bucks, so I didn't think about it any longer. And what does it turn out to be? The game meets exactly all my expectations. I didn't really think it was possible. I play the game slowly, without rushing. I throw the drawn results into the AI graphics generators, which builds imersion. A great story emerges. Throughout the game you encounter monumental monuments to the past whose meaning you can only guess at. More questions than answers. Great. Pros:

game for beginner solo players meta goal procedure for selecting the next event resource management, but not too much quick and easy creation of new characters immersive storyline

Disadvantages: no table of contents no hyperlinks in PDF too easy

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Publisher: Candlenaut
by carlos [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/01/2024 00:33:14

Just picked this up they other day. I primarily play Starforged, someone mentioned this game to me. And it was a very refreshing non combat take on the sci-fi genre while there can be combat it's feels like 99 percent is very and I may add amazingly focused on really well done exploration.

I been having a blast and the charts really spark your other sci-fi games. I been using it to run games a little less space opera combat and make my games feel more the the movies Interstellar and the Martian, whith that problem solving and exploring goodness.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Publisher: Candlenaut
by Michael [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/22/2024 07:58:46

The book's setting and the descriptions that follow are evocative, but mechanically this feels more like a roll & write board game than an RPG. When you choose a mission, you simply are choosing your reward and the number of successful expeditions you need to get said reward. After your mission is chosen, each expedition is on rails; the only agency you have as a player is when/if to use your resources for each roll until the mission is complete. Locations and challenges have great, thematic descriptions, but they are ultimately meaningless. I had high hopes based on the premise, but was disappointed.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Hello Michael, thank you for the review. Entity is a Storytelling game not an RPG.
Publisher: Candlenaut
by Michael [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/04/2024 20:10:51

One of the best rpgs I have played. It is easy to get immersed into exploration, and working g out the encounters. The dice have to be kind, but it has been great working out how to succeed with each new mission.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Publisher: Candlenaut
by Michel D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/02/2023 15:39:48

a great game, well done, very immersive, good replayability, you have to manage your resources, data and energies well or you end up very badly...I love it...go for it. Many thanks to the author, can't wait to see the expansion coming soon

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Publisher: Candlenaut
by Robert Z. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/02/2023 12:08:22

Entity - JDR Solo - Anglais uniquement à date.

Plongez dans l'univers fascinant d'Entity, un jeu de rôle solo qui vous transporte dans un monde mystérieux et plein de merveilles pour la modique somme de 5€ sur drivethrurpg.

Découvrez le style NASA-punk, une fusion audacieuse entre science-fiction et voyage spatial.

Que vous soyez débutant ou vétéran du genre, Entity a quelque chose à vous offrir.

Forgez votre propre histoire, ressentez le frisson des lancers de dés à dix faces, et explorez un cosmos complexe et richement détaillé.

Ici, chaque décision a un poids, chaque expérience est unique, et chaque secret attend d'être révélé. (Fin du livret)

N'hésitez plus, succombez à l'appel d'Entity et lancez-vous dans une aventure solo l’inoubliable.

Et pour ceux qui attendent une version en français, je vais essayer de me rapprocher de certains éditeurs et l’auteur (deja fait à date) pour trouver une solution

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Publisher: Candlenaut
by Daniel B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/12/2023 02:27:54

Entity is a captivating role-playing game that has mesmerized me and taken me to a world of wonder and mystery. Due to its unique gaming mechanics, fascinating storytelling, and expansive universe, this game is deserving of a good 5-star rating. The NASA-punk style of Entity is a welcome change from conventional RPG settings. The game immerses you in an enthralling realm that feels rooted in scientific fact by fusing science fiction with knowledge of real-life space travel. It is admirable how much care was put into creating the scenario; it gives an air of realism that improves the whole experience.

Entity's ability to let players create their own stories is one of its unique aspects. With the help of the game's extensive toolkit, you may create a fascinating narrative equivalent to one from a favorite sci-fi novel. Entity has sophisticated and simple game mechanisms. The outcome of risky acts is decided by rolling a pair of ten-sided dice, which gives the game a thrilling element of chance as in ameri-trash boardgames. The attribute-based rolling system keeps the tension high and makes sure that every choice counts, while it has various degrees of success and complexity. Every decision in the game feels important and significant because of the persistent Impairments that follow failures, which give the game a sense of gravity and reality.

All of those many distinct interactions in the game weave an intricate web of intergalactic travel. Each of them offers a wide variety of experiences and adds to the story as it develops. You will notice that you looked forward to every new experience and that you will be anxious to learn the secrets that the location will be hiding.

Whether you're a seasoned RPG enthusiast or new to the genre, this game is sure to leave you enthralled and wanting more.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Publisher: Candlenaut
by Rene S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/10/2023 06:26:10

I am very glad i bought this. The description, "The game equips you with a set of tools to craft a captivating story comparable to a compelling novel or a riveting TV show" i found to be very accurate. I was able to complete an Expedition in about 30 minutes and I am surprisingly interested in my character's advancement. Completing a mission was also rewarding and challenging. While successful, i did not come out unscathed. I like the mechanic of Total/Partial Success and Failure. For the purpose of storytelling, in relaying the story to friends and family of my first Expeditions, the tables give an excellent base that allows for plenty embellishments and flavor. It felt like i was part of my own TV show. Glad i bought it on sale, but i would have payed full price now that i've had a chance to try it out!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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