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When the Wolf Comes
Publisher: Schwalb Entertainment
by Edward [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/06/2024 21:59:14

Ring Side Report- RPG review of When the Wolf Comes: A Vikingverse Roleplaying Game

Originally posted at, a new idea every day! 

Product- When the Wolf Comes: A Vikingverse Roleplaying Game

System- Shadow of the Demon Lord

Producer- Schwalb Entertianment

Price- $19.99 here 

TL; DR-Solid sci-fantasy Viking Shadows of the Demon Lord fun. 99% 

Basics- Where will you be when the wolf comes?!  When the Wolf Comes is a semi-post-apacalypic, semi-fantasy, semi-futuristic Viking version of Shadow of the Demon Lord.  This book covers everything from basic mechanics to how to run a full campaign.  Let’s break this down.

Mechanics or Crunch-  Do you like Shadow of the Demon Lord?  Do you like Vikings?  Do you like Space Vikings?  Then you will like this.  This is just Shadow of the Demon Lord extended to its next evolution as the game moves forward in a solid way.  My one minor issue that is more a personal view is that the end mythic paths are tied to race.  That’s not even bad, just my personal taste in the issue.  The mechanics work and the new stuff here is fantastic.  One of my complaints in TTRPGs in recent years is that character progression was too linear.  This version adds gifts which are akin to feats.  And I love it!  This version fixes my one issue with this system, so this is a solid improvement on an already excellent game.     5/5

Theme or Fluff- The opening of this book is from Schwalb himself praising the author.  This is a solid introduction to the world the author created and ancient Norse as a whole.  It’s a world like our own, but with a split a thousand years ago.  This also isn't just a reskin of a Norse god textbook.  One of the races you expect, dwarves, is not here.  Now you have robots.  Robot servants, so if you want to explore the themes of slavery in your game, have at it!  The base classes are different, and the classes that build off it are all different as well.  This is not just a can of paint on an existing Shadows game, it’s a whole new world to play in.    5 /5

Execution- This is a solid book with one semi-unforgivable sin.  The layout is excellent.  The art is amazing.  And, the book reads well, fast, and fluidly.  I can find what I need as the hyperlinks guide me easily.  There is guidance for new GMs and how to play the COMPLETE system.  This is not just a fluff book, but honestly the whole Shadow of the BLANK system.  There is even an adventure in the back to play right away!  The one thing I want that is not here is four to six premade characters. I know Shadow characters are easy to make, but give me them so I can slam them down and have my friends play in exactly 10 minutes.  Aside from that one, minor issue, this is a fantastic book.  4.9/5

Summary- The most unkind thing I can say about this book is it's simply a splat book for a different version of Shadow of the Demon Lord.  But that does not do this justice.  Any time there are robot dwarves that are not just brass spray painted dwarves with some gears stapled on by another name, but a real, honest to god servitor race with their own issues and even capitalism killing them so you the homeowner have to buy the newest model if you want your floors vacuumed like a roomba with a death sentence, I am hooked.  This takes the simple Shadows gameplay I love and builds it out to a completely new world with new themes and mechanics to explore.  I even get my feats!  It’s not a massive part of the world, but even that small change adds new things mechanically to the system.  I love how the book is put together.  The one thing I want Schwalb Entertainment to do is give me pregens and it will be a near perfect book.  If you even just like the Shadows system and you even just barely like Vikings or you just want to learn more about Norse mythology, then this is the book you need to pick up.  99%

[5 of 5 Stars!]
When the Wolf Comes
Publisher: Schwalb Entertainment
by JM [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/06/2023 00:38:48

Always played Viking-esque DnD characters but When the Wolf Comes has allowed me to fully unleash my inner Viking (at last!). The Shadow of the Demon Lord system allows for seamless storytelling and combat - I'm loving the scenarios so far and can't wait to get my crew together to play this again. Highly recommended!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
When the Wolf Comes
Publisher: Schwalb Entertainment
by Dave [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/07/2023 22:21:30

A Perfect Blend of Norse Myth and Sci-Fi Excellence

Rating: ★★★★★ (5/5 Stars)

"When The Wolf Comes" is an absolute gem! It’s a perfect blend of Norse mythology, alternate history, and sci-fi awesomeness. Here's why it's a must-play for me:

  1. Captivating Setting: WTWC offers an intriguing alternate history where the Vikings rule the stars, and the clash between old Norse traditions and modern beliefs is central to the narrative. It's a setting ripe for adventure and exploration.

  2. Diverse Worlds: The Nine Homeworlds provide a wide range of environments and challenges, making each adventure unique. Exploring these realms feels like embarking on an interstellar Viking journey.

  3. Mythical Encounters: Playing creatures like álfar, jötnar, and dvergar from futuristic Norse mythology adds depth to the game world. It's a fascinating blend of myth and reality.

  4. Magic and Technology Fusion: The game seamlessly merges magic, spirits, and technology, offering a unique and immersive experience. It's a world where these elements are indistinguishable, creating intriguing gameplay opportunities.

  5. Constant Urgency: The ever-present threat of Ragnarök keeps the tension high.

  6. Immersive World-Building: Ian Stuart Sharpe's attention to detail immerses you fully in the Vikingverse universe. You'll feel like a true Viking explorer in this meticulously crafted setting.

  7. Character Depth: Character creation is engaging, with diverse Norse origins and a variety of spells and gifts to choose from. Great character creation tables help spin up characters quickly, but with lots of depth and background.

  8. Seamless Adaptation: The adaptation of the "Shadow of the Demon Lord" system to this Viking-inspired universe is smooth and well-executed, offering a familiar yet fresh experience.

  9. Respected Endorsement: Knowing that the creator of "Shadow of the Demon Lord," Robert J Schwalb, gave his approval adds credibility to the game's top-notch quality.

In summary, "When The Wolf Comes" is a tabletop RPG that masterfully combines Norse mythology, alternate history, and sci-fi elements. It's a captivating universe that's well worth exploring if you enjoy immersive storytelling and richly detailed worlds. Gather your gaming group and embark on an unforgettable Viking adventure across the cosmos! May the Norns smile upon you! Skål!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
When the Wolf Comes
Publisher: Schwalb Entertainment
by GamingMom I. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/31/2023 13:53:23


Space Vikings! What's not to like? If you've ever dreamt of unleashing your inner Viking in a futuristic setting, you're in for an epic adventure! Ian Stuart Sharpe really knows his Norse mythology and it shows! So much Viking history and lore, beautifully merged into a techo-future setting. We've super enjoyed our first campaign and will be diving into a second soon. And being built on the Shadow of the Demon Lord system makes it an easy pickup. Can't recommend enough. If you're into Vikings, pick it up!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
When the Wolf Comes
Publisher: Schwalb Entertainment
by Henning L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/27/2023 16:54:25

I've gone through some bits and so far it is some high class stuff! I'll keep updating this review as I go deeper into the elaborate Nors lore written by Mister Sharpe!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
When the Wolf Comes
Publisher: Schwalb Entertainment
by Nick M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/04/2023 10:20:56

I really enjoy this game, the art, and the character options. The setting is very interesting and full of lore. I have written a more elaborate review if you would like to check it out here:

[4 of 5 Stars!]
When the Wolf Comes
Publisher: Schwalb Entertainment
by Nick J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/05/2023 15:22:40

Spectacular in concept and realized with an excellent (if criminally underrated) system, When the Wolf Comes is an awesome setting and ruleset well worth the asking price.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
When the Wolf Comes
Publisher: Schwalb Entertainment
by James P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/31/2023 11:45:49

Amazing book! Ian really fleshes out the world for this game and picked the perfect system for all my space viking needs! Cannot wait to get this to the table!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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