This is an incredible jump-start to what absolutely promises to be an amazing campaign setting in an original and unique scifi universe of discovery, exploration and optimism. The 30 pages (including six one-page pregens) read very easily and provide more than enough to orient a GM and immerse your players in the setting. The notes from the creator show insight into potential struggles of a new GM and it feels like the author is coaching you along as you read. For that reason alone I'd rate this jumpstart a must read for a NEW GM looking for a helping hand!
Beyond the writing style and the rich universe the Jumpstart introduces the reader to, the art and layout are just gorgeous. The world is something you want to explore and the pregens are people you want to play. Reading the backgrounds and stats of the characters, I think my table will want to replay this as different characters.
Finally, the Jumpstart does a very good job of giving you what you need but NOT MORE THAN YOU NEED. I definitely didn't feel bogged down reading this. There is a wealth of additional info provided by the author on of the "nice to know" info, but this document focuses on the "need to know" and I for one appreciate the 'less is more' approach there.
Bravo! 11 out of 10