Recently, I soloed my way through the adventure The Drunken Unicorn’s Prize (23 pages). It is for the Cairn Roleplaying Game, but I used Champions of Odd (free/pay what you want at DriveThru, 86 pages).
I changed four lines in The Arcanum RPG and made it my solo engine. I used the same four PCs and three apprentices from my last adventure.
The adventure started with the PC party on the road traveling through the Westwood. It was a quiet day. On the second day they found a lost traveler. He was recruited as a replacement for the apprentice that had died in the first adventure. On the third day of adventuring they entered the old town of Renton. They talked to nine NPCs that day. The ranger went out on a date, and all of the PCs were hired to help build a house. They worked on this house for several days. On the seventh day, the unicorn appeared at the clearing. It sampled the various meads. Kev the NPC tried to touch it, but he was kicked (he survived). Sam the NPC tried next, but he was kicked and killed. The PC ranger tried to touch it, but he was kicked (he survived). The sailor PC was able to touch it. He was granted a wish and received cleric spells. Next, Daedra the PC made an attempt. She was kicked and did survive. At this point, a brawl started in the clearing.
So, the PCs went to the tavern and picked up a quest from The Quest Giver. They then went back to the woods to search for the Done Keep. That evening they encountered the Soupeaters (aggressive). A fight broke out and Daedra cast her Insect Swarm. The Soupeaters retreated. On they eighth day the PCs used their tracking skills to find the keep. They could tell that it was occupied. They backtracked and set up camp because it was late. They had no encounters that night.
Give this a try! Maybe you will have several wishes granted instead of just one.