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Book of Lost Houses: The Second Coming
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Book of Lost Houses: The Second Coming
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Book of Lost Houses: The Second Coming
Publisher: White Wolf
by Elizabeth R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/23/2009 16:21:36

If you are a Changeling fan, this book should be on your list of should-haves. If you are a Changeling storyteller, it should be on your list of must-haves. It discusses, in depth, both the rarity and the skills of five of the Lost Houses. From the mysterious Beaumayn, to the warriorlike Scathach, this should be required reading for anyone wanting to start their own Changeling campaign. It gives each one a different view of 'commoners', and their responses to them. Most importantly... it puts the Houses into vivid detail, something the Player's Guide did not, leading to some very, very loose interpretations (and some very stereotype) of what one did. It also helps to open up quite a bit of the Sidhe responses as well, making it clear why a Sidhe kithbook was never released (and we are ALL so glad it wasn't, thanks to the weakness of SEVERAL of the kithbooks, Eshu and Nocker being the exception).

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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